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821 results found
Health topics
… Signs of deformity may include sunken areas, visible bone fragments, or exposed brain. The injury involves the … Signs of deformity may include sunken areas, visible bone fragments, or exposed brain. The injury involves the …
Health topics
… supply or proper placement of the upper part of the thigh bone (head of the femur) in the hip socket. Slipped capital … supply or proper placement of the upper part of the thigh bone (head of the femur) in the hip socket. Slipped capital …
Health topics
… the nasal passages. It's made of cartilage and thin bone. A hole (perforation) can form in the cartilage as a … the nasal passages. It's made of cartilage and thin bone. A hole (perforation) can form in the cartilage as a …
Health topics
… of the shoulder . It occurs when the outer end of the collarbone (clavicle) separates from the end (acromion) of the … ligament is either not injured or partially torn. The collarbone is partially separated from the acromion. In a type III … both the AC and CC ligaments are completely torn. The collarbone and the acromion are completely separated. There are …
Health topics
… an abscess . This may lead to more severe problems, such as bone loss. How Well It Works A filling repairs the tooth and … an abscess . This may lead to more severe problems, such as bone loss. How Well It Works A filling repairs the tooth and …
Health topics
… health problems, such as brain, liver, kidney, blood, or bone marrow damage, can occur from inhaling some substances. … health problems, such as brain, liver, kidney, blood, or bone marrow damage, can occur from inhaling some substances. …
Health topics
… Then the doctor will pull back the skin. Parts of the bones and cartilage under the skin will be removed or … Then the doctor will pull back the skin. Parts of the bones and cartilage under the skin will be removed or …
Health topics
… socket. The labrum (say "LAY-brum") helps keep your arm bone in the shoulder socket. SLAP stands for "superior … socket. The labrum (say "LAY-brum") helps keep your arm bone in the shoulder socket. SLAP stands for "superior …
Health topics
… experts believe that EDTA could remove calcium from healthy bones, muscles, and other tissues, as well as from diseased … experts believe that EDTA could remove calcium from healthy bones, muscles, and other tissues, as well as from diseased …
Medical tests
… the principle that fat tissue is less dense than muscle and bone. DXA. This is also called dual-energy X-ray … the principle that fat tissue is less dense than muscle and bone. DXA. This is also called dual-energy X-ray …