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Health topics
… pregnancy doesn't cause any warning symptoms. A blood test is the only way to know you have it or are at risk for … is it diagnosed? Anyone who is pregnant will get a blood test at their first prenatal visit to see what their blood … type is. If your blood is Rh-negative, it will also be tested for antibodies to Rh-positive blood. This is done …
Health topics
… is Alzheimer's disease? Alzheimer's disease damages the brain . It causes a steady loss of memory and affects how … disease. But they can slow down the way it affects your brain and make the disease easier to live with. … is Alzheimer's disease? Alzheimer's disease damages the brain . It causes a steady loss of memory and affects how …
HealthLinkBC files
… tell if you have nitrate in your well water unless you test for it. Nitrate is more often found in groundwater than … may have different levels of nitrate, so you cannot rely on test results from a neighbour’s well. Who is most at risk? … water. To help keep your family safe: Have your well water tested for nitrate Never give your baby well water, or …
Health topics
… What Happens When to Call a Doctor Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview Self-Care Medicines Related … diabetes may not cause symptoms, so you need to be tested for it. Some women may have symptoms such as being … vision. How is it diagnosed? The oral glucose tolerance test is used to diagnose the condition. Most women get this …
HealthLinkBC files
… organ transplant in countries where the blood supply is not tested for hepatitis C. In Canada, this applies to blood and … only way to know if you have hepatitis C is through a blood test. A positive HCV antibody test means that you have or had hepatitis C. If your …
Health topics
… be screened at the first prenatal visit. For those who test positive or who are at high risk for reinfection, … of the same sex. The PHAC also recommends that you have the test again 3 months after you finish treatment. People who … high-risk sexual behaviours be screened. footnote 3 Yearly testing for syphilis is recommended for men who are sexually …
Health topics
… of whether you have missed any pills, take a home pregnancy test. Call your doctor for advice about the test results. If you haven't missed any pills, it's unlikely … or more pills and you miss a period , take a home pregnancy test as soon as you can. If the test is positive, stop …
Health topics
… A liver (hepatic) function panel is a blood test to check how well the liver is working. This test measures the blood levels of total protein , albumin , … ), dark yellow urine, and feeling very tired. This blood test also may be done if you have recently been exposed to a …
Health topics
… checking your skin, and pressing on your belly. Blood tests to help confirm the diagnosis include: Mono tests (including the rapid mono test and EBV antibody test). It's possible for the rapid …
Health topics
… What Happens When to Call a Doctor Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview Self-Care … diagnosed? Aneurysms are often diagnosed by chance during tests done for other reasons. In some cases, they are found during a screening test for aneurysms. If your doctor thinks you have an …