3375 results found
Health topics
… these types of cancer may not need chemo. There are gene tests that may show whether having chemo will help you … with no cancer in the lymph nodes, you may have a gene test. Gene tests, such as the Oncotype DX, may be done on the cancerous …
… made from human blood. Even though the blood is carefully tested, and this medication goes through a special … received any of these vaccines, your doctor may have you tested for a response or have you vaccinated again later. If … approval. This medication may interfere with certain lab tests (such as Coomb's test), possibly causing false test …
Health topics
… changes aren't common. Your doctor may talk to you about testing based on your family medical history or your … your risk for breast cancer and ovarian cancer . Genetic testing can show if you have gene changes that increase your … breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Before you have genetic testing, you may want to see a genetic counsellor. …
… you are using contains maltose and whether your blood sugar testing supplies will work with this product. Rarely, … received any of these vaccines, your doctor may have you tested for a response or have you vaccinated again later. If … made from human blood. Even though the blood is carefully tested, and this medication goes through a special …
Health topics
… Your Risk Symptoms When to Call a Doctor Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview Self-Care Medicines Immunotherapy … activities, and home. You may also have certain allergy tests done. Knowing what symptoms you have, when you get … polyps or other things blocking your nose. Examinations and Tests Your doctor can most often diagnose allergic rhinitis …
Health topics
… Basics Health Tools When to Call a Doctor Examinations and Tests Treatment Overview Supportive Care Self-Care … you've had. You'll have a physical examination and blood tests. You'll most likely have a bone marrow aspiration and biopsy. The doctor may do more tests to learn about the type of leukemia and how severe it …
Health topics
… or mucus (sputum) coughed up from the lungs. The sample is tested for staph bacteria. This test may take several days. In some cases, imaging is done … infected wound or a blood or urine sample. The sample is tested to see which antibiotics can kill the bacteria in it. …
Health topics
… enterocolitis is infection and inflammation of the intestine. It is most common in babies who are born early … becomes severe, it can cause severe damage to the intestine, which can be deadly. Some children may have ongoing … The doctor will examine your baby. The doctor may do tests, such as: An X-ray of your newborn's belly. A test to …
Health topics
… cup hot tea with a tbsp. of honey. Check your blood sugar. Test your blood sugar at least every 2 to 4 hours. Check it … even through the night, if it goes up fast. Continue to test your blood sugars even if you are not able to eat. Take … extra insulin, call your doctor for advice. Do ketone testing if needed. If you take insulin, do a test for …
Health topics
… medicines for them. The diagnosis can be confirmed with tests, including esophagus tests (such as esophageal manometry) or a barium swallow. … pressure. A barium swallow is done using X-rays. Other tests may be done to find out whether chest pain may be …