2719 results found
Health topics
… feel guilty if you leave chores undone. If you plan to breastfeed, be flexible. You may be able to breastfeed all your babies, or you may use a breast pump or formula so helpers can feed your babies. A …
Health topics
… injuries, certain diseases, and radiation treatment for cancer in the neck or brain. Learn more Hemorrhagic Stroke … injuries, certain diseases, and radiation treatment for cancer in the neck or brain. Learn more Hemorrhagic Stroke …
Health topics
… heart, lung, or liver disease or other diseases, such as cancer, which might decrease your lifespan. Most experts … heart, lung, or liver disease or other diseases, such as cancer, which might decrease your lifespan. Most experts …
Health topics
… didn't cause it by being more active. You have a history of cancer or HIV infection, and you have new or increased back … didn't cause it by being more active. You have a history of cancer or HIV infection, and you have new or increased back …
Health topics
… Terrorist attacks. Life-threatening illnesses, such as cancer. Living in or near an area affected by conflict, such … Terrorist attacks. Life-threatening illnesses, such as cancer. Living in or near an area affected by conflict, such …
Health topics
… to help your baby grow and develop in healthy ways. Try to breastfeed. Experts recommend feeding your baby only breast milk for about 6 months. They also support breastfeeding for 2 years or longer. footnote 1 , footnote 2 …
Health topics
… Thinning hair, dry skin, and brittle nails. Shrunken breasts. Stopping or never getting a monthly menstrual … Thinning hair, dry skin, and brittle nails. Shrunken breasts. Stopping or never getting a monthly menstrual …
Health topics
… out other conditions with similar symptoms, such as lung cancer. Tests done as needed Arterial blood gas test . This … out other conditions with similar symptoms, such as lung cancer. Tests done as needed Arterial blood gas test . This …
Health topics
… tired, and amazed all at the same time. If you plan to breastfeed, you may start soon after birth. Don't be surprised if you have some trouble at first. Breastfeeding is something you and your baby have to learn … practice. If you need help getting started, ask a nurse or breastfeeding specialist ( lactation consultant ). In the …