6008 results found
Health topics
… you will work with many health professionals. Each will have a specific role in your rehab. While you are in rehab, … your treatment plan. This team includes specialists and generalists. You may not need help from all of these … you will work with many health professionals. Each will have a specific role in your rehab. While you are in rehab, …
Health topics
… with his car and talks to fifth graders about why they shouldn't start using tobacco. The kids hear his message, … I blow it by taking a cigarette because of a craving, I'd have to start all over again. It was a big incentive to not … with his car and talks to fifth graders about why they shouldn't start using tobacco. The kids hear his message, …
Health topics
… (cognitive development) Most children by 18 months of age: Have formed a sense of self, the ability to see themselves … (cognitive development) Most children by 18 months of age: Have formed a sense of self, the ability to see themselves …
Health topics
… about the feeling. What happens in your body? Do your shoulders tense? Or do you get a hot feeling behind your … about the feeling. What happens in your body? Do your shoulders tense? Or do you get a hot feeling behind your …
Healthy eating
… needs about 52 g of protein each day. The following groups have different protein needs than what is recommended above: children and youth pregnant and breastfeeding women some athletes people with certain health … whey or casein) or plant (such as soy or pea) based. In general, choose a simple protein powder with no extra …
Health topics
… of nutritious foods to students. In the meantime, if you have any questions on how to increase the nutrition of the …
Health topics
… resources in your community. Many of the resources below have toll-free phone numbers and provide help 24 hours a … resources in your community. Many of the resources below have toll-free phone numbers and provide help 24 hours a …
Health topics
… and emotional aspects of your baby's unique personality: Have skin to skin contact with newborns Always respond to … cup?” Provide safe places for her to explore Continue to breastfeed Make lots of eye contact and smile at her Hold … Provide safe places for your baby to explore Continue to breastfeed Make lots of eye contact and smile at her Cuddle …