3750 results found
Health topics
… tears may cause no symptoms. But complete tears cause pain and sudden loss of strength and movement. Middle-aged … of an Achilles tendon tear may include a sudden, sharp pain. Most people feel or hear a pop. You may have swelling … your past health and checking the back of your leg for pain and swelling. If your symptoms are severe or don't …
Health topics
… sexually excited or reaching orgasm . Sex may also be painful. But symptoms are problems only if they bother you … a cause. Physical causes. These include hormone problems, pain from an injury, and other problems. Certain conditions … you avoid vaginal dryness. That's the most common cause of painful sex. Enjoy being tender and close with your partner. …
Health topics
… Instead, the cervix opens (dilates) with little or no pain, usually before 24 weeks. This can lead to miscarriage … is different from preterm labour . Labour causes regular, painful contractions of the uterus. What causes it? It's not … cervical insufficiency, the cervix usually opens without pain. But some people do have mild symptoms. If you have …
Health topics
… come back to have the stitches removed. You may have some pain, bleeding, or swelling afterward. The dentist may give you medicine for pain. The pain should steadily decrease in the days after the …
Health topics
… and adults include bruising, bleeding easily, and bone pain. How is it diagnosed? The doctor will do a physical … in managing a health condition. Cancer: Controlling Cancer Pain Cancer: Controlling Nausea and Vomiting From … easily. Pinpoint spots under the skin from bleeding. Bone pain. Painless lumps in the neck, armpit, stomach, or groin. …
Health topics
… But if a joint is badly diseased, surgery may provide pain relief and improve function. Arthroplasty is considered … medicine, joint injections, physiotherapy, and exercise. Pain from rheumatoid arthritis can no longer be tolerated. … or wearing away of the cartilage and bone is causing severe pain or reduced range of motion. How Well It Works …
Health topics
… a serious problem if your vision is normal, there is no eye pain, and the bleeding does not cover a large portion of the … that occurs in the white of the eye. You may have mild pain or no pain at all. After an eye injury, blood usually appears …
Health topics
… with repeated or severe sprains can develop long-term joint pain and weakness. Treating a sprained ankle can help … using crutches if needed, if you can do so without too much pain. Start rehab with range-of-motion exercises in the … for an ankle sprain Start each exercise slowly and use your pain level to guide you in doing these exercises. Ease off …
Health topics
… weak or tired legs, trouble walking or balancing, or pain. You might feel a tight, aching, or squeezing pain in your calf, thigh, or buttock. This pain usually happens after you have walked a certain …
Health topics
… their own within months or years. If warts spread or cause pain, or if you don't like the way they look, you may want … part of your body. Treatment can take a lot of time, be painful, and cost a lot. FAQs What are warts? Warts are skin … own within months or years. But if they spread or cause pain, or if you don't like the way they look, you may want …