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Health topics
… dehydration. In some people, the infection causes serious problems with the blood and kidneys. These people may need … don't see a doctor and don't know that E. coli caused their problems. With some strains of E. coli , severe blood and kidney problems may occur within 2 weeks after the diarrhea starts. …
Health topics
… you again. In rare cases, concussions cause more serious problems. Repeated concussions or a severe concussion may lead to long-lasting problems with movement, learning, or speaking. Because of the small chance of serious problems, it is important to contact a doctor if you or …
Medical tests
… To check, or screen, babies and young children for hearing problems that might affect their ability to learn, speak, or … language development. Some speech, behaviour, and learning problems in children can be related to problems with hearing. For this reason, many schools provide …
Medical tests
… Rh) that occur on red blood cells can sometimes also cause problems. So they are also checked for a match before giving … has occurred, the baby can develop mild to severe problems (called Rh disease or erythroblastosis fetalis ). … that almost always prevents sensitization from occurring. Problems from Rh sensitization have become very rare since …
Medical tests
… A myelogram may be done to find a tumour, an infection, problems with the spine such as a herniated disc , or … canal (spinal stenosis). A tumour or infection causing problems with the spinal cord or nerve roots. A spinal disc … of the membrane that covers the brain and spinal cord. Problems with the blood vessels to the spine. This test may …
Medical tests
… who have had stomach or intestinal surgery, small intestine problems, or people with a family history of this anemia. … all of the medicines that you take. Being pregnant or breastfeeding. Taking large doses of vitamin C. Drinking … all of the medicines that you take. Being pregnant or breastfeeding. Taking large doses of vitamin C. Drinking …
Health topics
… when you may start to see strong emotions and behaviour problems. This is called sibling rivalry. Sibling rivalry … different viewpoints, and work with others to solve problems. That's where you come in. These ideas can help end … bring peace to your household. Encourage kids to work out problems on their own. Try to step in only if a child may …
Health topics
… or trouble understanding simple statements. Sudden problems with walking or balance. A sudden, severe headache … weight. Lose weight if you need to. Manage other health problems, such as diabetes. If you think you may have a … your risk of a stroke. But they also have a risk of serious problems. You and your doctor can decide together if you …
Health topics
… when bleeding most often occurs. Mild hemophilia. Bleeding problems might not be noticed unless there is a lot of … a major injury or surgery. Moderate hemophilia. Bleeding problems are common and often follow a fall, sprain or strain. Severe hemophilia. Bleeding problems often happen one or more times a week for no …
Health topics
… about your symptoms. You will be asked about your past eye problems and risk factors. The doctor will also test your … don't find retinal detachment itself. But they can find problems that could lead to or result from retinal … of the eye. Anesthesia Eye Injuries Eye Problems, Non-Injury Outpatient Services Current as …