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Health topics
… slowly and can take years to grow large enough to cause any problems. In some cases, the cancer grows more quickly. It … early stages. When there are symptoms, they are most often problems with urinating. You may also have deep and frequent … medical care decisions that are important to many health problems. Prostate Cancer Screening: Should I Have a PSA …
Health topics
… tired during the day. Snoring may point to other medical problems, such as obstructive sleep apnea . Sleep apnea can … medical care decisions that are important to many health problems. Sleep Apnea: Should I Have a Sleep Study? Cause … and upper body will not work). Promptly treat breathing problems, such as a stuffy nose caused by a cold or …
Health topics
… violence is different from common marital or relationship problems. Domestic violence is a pattern of abuse that a … in a violent relationship can cause long-lasting health problems, such as: Depression . Panic attacks . … neck pain, chronic back pain, and pelvic pain. Digestive problems (irritable bowel syndrome). Those who are abused …
Health topics
… The doctor typically makes a cut in the skin over your breastbone (sternum). This cut is called an incision. Then … muscle in the middle of the chest and then cuts through the breastbone (sternum). The heart is exposed slide 3 of 5 < … weight or lose weight if you need to. Manage other health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and high …
Medical tests
… an infection, such as helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). Find problems in the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract. These problems can include: Inflammation of the esophagus ( … health products you take. Some may increase the risk of problems during your procedure. Your doctor will tell you if …
Health topics
… This might happen if you are pregnant or have some medical problems, such as sickle cell disease. Your body doesn't … people have low levels of both of these vitamins. The two problems can cause similar symptoms. How is it treated? If … This might happen if you are pregnant or have some medical problems, such as sickle cell disease. Your body doesn't …
Health topics
… tips on good footwear may prevent toe, foot, or ankle problems or injuries. Have your feet measured regularly. The … that the fit feels right in both shoes. If you have foot problems or you are at a high risk of falling, ask your … Toe, Foot, and Ankle Injuries Toe, Foot, and Ankle Problems, Non-Injury Current as of: November 9, 2022 …
Medical tests
… as water heaters and ovens. These things usually cause no problems. But if they are not used or installed properly, … symptoms, such as: Headache, dizziness, or vision problems. Nausea or vomiting. Muscle weakness. Confusion or … as water heaters and ovens. These things usually cause no problems. But if they are not used or installed properly, …
Health topics
… Examples include people who have long-term heart or lung problems or an infection like COVID-19. Choose a device that … like fatigue or shortness of breath. But with some health problems, you may not have symptoms from low blood oxygen. … only drops when you're active. If you have certain health problems, like COPD, your oxygen level may always be lower …