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Health topics
… practitioners can treat depression. Depression can be caused by another medical problem. Treating the problem may stop the depression. How can you help? If you're worried about a loved one or a … of these. The kind of treatment you have will depend on how severe your symptoms are. "It might hurt my career." You …
HealthLinkBC files
… the eyeball and the inside of the eyelid. It is usually caused by a virus or bacteria, and can spread easily to other … air pollution or other physical or chemical irritants; however the information provided in this HealthLinkBC File … course) of the antibiotics and that they are taken on time. How is it spread? Pinkeye caused by a bacterial or viral …
HealthLinkBC files
… infection such as chickenpox or influenza. Reye syndrome causes swelling of the liver and brain, and can be fatal. How can I prevent reye syndrome? The use of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA or Aspirin®) has been …
Health topics
… Meningitis On this page: How it Spreads What Increases Your Risk Prevention Symptoms … the lining around the brain and spinal cord. It's usually caused by an infection. The infection occurs most often in … meningitis can be deadly if it's not treated right away. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask questions about …
HealthLinkBC files
… called blue-green algae. In fact, cyanobacteria can cause blooms in a range of colours, including bright blue, … called a bloom will form. Cyanobacteria blooms are natural. However, some human activities (such as agriculture or a … more likely. What do cyanobacteria blooms look like and how long will they last? Image Not all blooms are easy to …
Health topics
… and watching for choking hazards. Food To prevent choking, use care when you select and prepare food. Do not give … caps. Plastic tabs from protective coverings on containers. How can you prevent choking in small children? Preventing … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Actionset Overview Young …
HealthLinkBC files
… to the next and from one hour to the next. This is because air quality is influenced by several things: The types … “high” or “very high”. The AQHI provides advice on how to minimize health risks. To check the current and AQHI … (COPD) People who are pregnant and their unborn children How can I protect my health against particle pollution? …
Health topics
… exposure to the sun and its ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause skin cancer. You can reduce your risk for skin cancer … have an increased risk for melanoma and other skin cancers. How do I protect my skin from UV radiation and skin cancer? … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . Media gallery Skin …
Health topics
… is eaten. The immune system is supposed to fight off viruses and other invaders, but sometimes it turns on the … to the small intestine by eating a strict gluten-free diet. How to eat gluten-free Eating a gluten-free diet can be … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Actionset Overview Celiac …
Health features
… virus? Should pregnant women be concerned about Zika virus? How can I protect myself and my family? Are there tests for … Zika virus infection, also called Zika virus disease, is caused by a virus which is spread by the bite of an infected … or see HealthLinkBC File #41g The Pregnant Traveller . How can I protect myself and my family? Anyone travelling to …