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Health topics
… are twice as likely as men to have the problem. What causes it? The cause of generalized anxiety disorder is not known. Some studies show that it might be passed through the family (genetic). … startled easily. Having problems falling or staying asleep. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your health …
Health topics
… Staph foodborne illness is a type of foodborne illness caused by infection with the Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) … pulse rate may occur. Symptoms typically come on quickly. How severe they are depends on your susceptibility to the toxin, how much contaminated food you ate, how much of the toxin …
Health topics
… it affects the tendons that attach to the elbow. What causes it? Golfer's elbow is an overuse injury. These kinds of … someone, turn a doorknob, lift weights, or flex your wrist. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor may ask about your health. … certain ways to see if that causes pain. These tests will show the doctor if your pain is in your elbow and where in …
Health topics
… is a set of problems that may affect a child if the mother used certain drugs while she was pregnant. These drugs may … after birth. Or it may happen later, depending on the drug. How does drug withdrawal affect newborns? Babies born with … babies recover after the body has rid itself of the drug. How long this takes depends on the drug and how much is in …
Health topics
… feelings that trouble you. With practice, you can learn to use accurate thoughts that encourage you instead of negative … But you also can practice healthy thinking on your own. How does CBT help you think in a healthy way? CBT involves … to watch for negative thinking. You can ask yourself how true or helpful your thoughts were. "What did my boss …
Health topics
… You Have Chronic Disease On this page: Overview Overview Use this sheet to list what you enjoy and what is hard for … can use this information to come up with an activity plan. How active are you? Describe what you do to stretch, strengthen, and move your body. Write down how often and how long you do each activity. What would you …
Health topics
… pregnancy. Having a low amount of this fluid can affect how the baby grows. It may lead to problems during labour … The fluid helps your baby move around in the uterus. What causes it? In many cases, the cause of low amniotic fluid may … bottom by your doctor. Your baby's movements slowing down. How is it diagnosed? Doctors use ultrasound to measure the …
Health topics
… or certified diabetes educator may suggest that you use one of two ways to count carbohydrates in your diet. Use … of carbohydrates, you would count 3 carbohydrate servings. How to plan your daily amount Your daily amount of carbs depends on several things, such as your weight, how active you are, which diabetes medicines you take, and …
Health topics
… of social situations. For other people, many situations cause stress. This problem affects your daily life. You may be … usually have symptoms for around 6 months or longer. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose social anxiety disorder, … and past health. The doctor may ask other questions to see how you are doing emotionally. Blood or urine tests may also …
Health topics
… pain syndrome (interstitial cystitis) is a problem that causes pain in the bladder or pelvis. It also causes an … People with BPS may go days or weeks with no symptoms. How is it diagnosed? To diagnose bladder pain syndrome … out other problems, such as a urinary tract infection . How is BPS treated? Treatment may include: Bladder training. …