6301 results found
Health topics
… is actinic keratosis? Actinic keratosis is a skin growth caused by sun damage. It can turn into skin cancer, but this … become open sores, become infected, or increase in size. How is it diagnosed? Actinic keratosis is diagnosed through … may take a sample of your skin and test ( biopsy ) it. How is actinic keratosis treated? How is it treated? Your …
Health topics
… nerve that controls muscles on one side of the face causes that side of your face to droop . The nerve damage may also affect your sense of taste and how you make tears and saliva. This condition comes on … affected side of your face. Increased sensitivity to sound. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor may diagnose Bell's palsy …
Health topics
… foot may look bruised, and you may have trouble walking. How is it diagnosed? The doctor will examine your foot and … doctor will probably do an X-ray to confirm the fracture. How is a Jones fracture treated? Treatment depends on how … a cast on your foot to help keep it stable. A splint may be used in some cases if there is a lot of swelling. You may …
Health topics
… should be. In some cases, too much amniotic fluid doesn't cause problems. In other cases, it can cause problems, such as … sac. Preterm labour. Placental abruption. Stillbirth. How is polyhydramnios diagnosed? Your doctor can use … fluid that surround the baby. If these measurements show too much fluid, more tests may be done to try to find …
Health topics
… will the medicine do (for example, lower blood pressure)? How will I know that this medicine is working? How long will it take before I notice anything? What is the … should I call about side effects? Do any of my medicines cause a bad reaction with another one or interact with another …
Health topics
… and Adults On this page: Health Tools Cause Symptoms What Happens What Increases Your Risk When To … symptoms every day. Or you may have something in between. How often you have symptoms can also change. When you have … can be life-threatening and need emergency treatment. How is asthma diagnosed? Along with doing a physical …
Health topics
… and makes your eyes and mouth dry. The disease may also cause other problems, such as fatigue and pain in the joints. … mouth may feel very dry, as though it is full of cotton. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will examine you and ask … and saliva. Your blood may also be checked for antibodies. How is Sjögren's syndrome treated? Your treatment for …
Health topics
… Cryptosporidiosis is a diarrheal disease caused by the Cryptosporidium parvum parasite, also referred … days and then feel worse again before the illness is over. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will request stool samples, … several, and send them to a laboratory for testing. How is it treated? Most people with healthy immune systems …
Health topics
… is a rare condition that affects the spinal cord. It causes certain muscles and reflexes in the body to stop … since the condition may affect muscles used for breathing. How is it diagnosed? A doctor will do a physical examination … have other tests, such as tests to check the spinal fluid. How is acute flaccid myelitis treated? There is no cure for …
Health topics
… the soles of your feet. The itching may be worse at night. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask questions about … medical history. You may have blood tests or other tests. How is cholestasis of pregnancy treated? Your doctor may … problem with your medicine. If your doctor prescribes them, use creams or pills to help with itching. Use calamine …