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Health topics
… of virus that is spread by mosquitoes. The infection it causes may be so mild that people don't even know they have … memory loss, or paralysis. A few people die from it. How is it spread? Most often, mosquitoes spread the virus by … especially if the infection has spread to your brain. How is it diagnosed? If your doctor thinks that you may have …
Health topics
… it's okay. Most splints can be adjusted. Your doctor will show you how to do this and will tell you when you might need to … removable, ask your doctor if you can take it off when you use ice. If you have an adjustable splint that feels too …
Health topics
… your body from infection by killing bacteria. What causes it? Neutropenia is often caused by cancer treatments … be alert for signs of infection. Your doctor can tell you how long to keep up these precautions. What are the signs of … pain when you urinate, and a need to urinate often. How is neutropenia treated? If your white blood cell count …
Health topics
… the head and the chest make up the cervical spine. What causes it? A cervical herniated disc usually is caused by wear … affecting other parts of the body, including the legs. How is it diagnosed? A doctor usually can diagnose a … (MRI), or computerized tomography (CT scan) may be done. How is cervical disc herniation treated? In most cases, …
Health topics
… Basics What is ringworm? Ringworm is an infection caused by a fungus . It causes a rash that can appear on many … have them return after treatment seems to run in families. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your … rash under a microscope to check for the ringworm fungus. How is ringworm treated? In most cases, you can treat …
Health topics
… down, most people will recover quickly. The term doctors use for fainting is syncope (say "SING-kuh-pee"). Fainting … as seizure, stroke, or TIA. Sometimes the cause is unknown. How is it diagnosed? To find the cause of fainting, a doctor … exercise stress test. A tilt table test. This test checks how your body responds to changes in position. Tests for …
Health topics
… (WPW) syndrome is a heart rhythm problem that causes a very fast heart rate. WPW is one type of … condition if you are at risk for ventricular fibrillation. How is it diagnosed? Doctors can often diagnose … be seen as an abnormality on the EKG known as a delta wave. How is Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome treated? During an …
Health topics
… contagious until the blisters are completely healed. What causes them? Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus … infected, they may be more severe than in later outbreaks. How are they diagnosed? Your doctor can tell if you have … isn't uncomfortable even if the sore is tender or painful. How are cold sores treated? Cold sores usually start to heal …
Health topics
… Pill On this page: Overview Overview Combination pills are used to prevent pregnancy. Most people call them "the pill." … not get your period as often. Or you may not get it at all. How well do they work? In the first year of use: When … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn How this information was developed . … Overview Combination …
Health topics
… epicondyle of the humerus . Muscles of the forearm that are used to throw the ball constantly pull on the medial … of the elbow. Arm motion may be decreased because of pain. How is it treated? Treatment for mild to moderate cases of … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . … Overview Little Leaguer's …