6303 results found
Health topics
… is a problem with the skull that causes a baby's head to be oddly shaped. In rare cases it … one or more of these sutures close too soon. How the problem affects your baby depends in part on how many of the sutures close too soon: If only one suture …
Health topics
… But medicines you take by mouth are usually tried first because they work well and are easy to use. These medicines are … problems aren't life-threatening. But they can affect how you feel about yourself. If you are planning a pregnancy, you should talk with your doctor about how taking one of these medicines will affect your chances …
Health topics
… rough, or scaly or flaky, and it may itch. There are many causes of dry skin. As you age, your skin produces less of the … skin, especially if you use hot water for your baths or showers. How do you care for dry skin? The following home treatment …
Health topics
… From Food or Water On this page: Cause Prevention Symptoms Examinations and Tests Treatment … is more serious, you may have a fever or other symptoms. How is it diagnosed? If your doctor thinks you may have an … Your stool will probably be tested for E. coli . How is an E. coli infection treated? An E. coli infection …
Health topics
… clothes regularly. What are the symptoms? Body lice can cause very bad itching, especially at night. They can also … easier to see lice or their eggs (called nits) on clothes . How are body lice treated? Most people can get rid of body … you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Learn how we develop our content . Media gallery Body lice … …
Health topics
… success of your surgery depends on many things, including how badly your tendon is damaged, how soon after your rupture you have surgery, and your … A cast, splint, brace, walking boot, or other device may be used to do this. Both immobilization and surgery are often …
Health topics
… usually occurs on the face, head, or trunk of the body. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your past … a lab. A biopsy can confirm whether the cells are cancer. How is basal cell skin cancer treated? Your doctor will want … problems. Basal Cell Skin Cancer: Should I Have Surgery or Use Medicated Cream? Actionsets are designed to help people …
Health topics
… skin cancer is a common type of skin cancer. It's often caused by too much sun. This cancer grows slowly. When found … areas of the body. But it can occur anywhere on the body. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your past … a lab. A biopsy can confirm whether the growth is cancer. How is squamous cell skin cancer treated? Your doctor will …
Health topics
… most important thing in deciding whether to have surgery is how much the symptoms bother you. Surgery works well for most men. But it can cause side effects, including ejaculation problems and … other surgeries. Talk to your doctor about these options. How well does surgery work? The International Prostate …
Health topics
… Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy On this page: … as by doing chores, bringing meals, or giving money. How does somebody with the syndrome act? A person with … child in the family has had unexplained illness or death. How is Munchausen syndrome by proxy treated? Child …