4189 results found
Health topics
… start a cardiac rehabilitation (rehab) program, you will work with many health professionals. Each will have a … diet. For help creating a heart-healthy diet that works for you Psychiatrist/ psychologist/ social worker/ case manager Mental health professional (except the …
Health topics
… on the median nerve. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common work-related condition. It can be caused by work that requires: Forceful or repetitive hand movements. Hand-arm vibration. Working for long periods in the same or awkward positions. …
Health topics
… night in the hospital, just to make sure that the device is working and that there are no problems from the surgery. You … benefit from an ICD. footnote 1 You and your doctor can work together to decide whether you want to get an ICD. Your … leads. The leads that attach to the heart may break or stop working right. If a lead does break or does not work …
Health topics
… doesn't relieve the pain of contractions. A pudendal block works fast, is easily given, and doesn't affect the baby. … doesn't relieve the pain of contractions. A pudendal block works fast, is easily given, and doesn't affect the baby. …
Health topics
… arteries, the heart may not get the blood it needs to work well. Over time, this can weaken or damage the heart. … are the symptoms? Symptoms can happen when the heart is working harder and needs more oxygen, such as during … disease, you may have tests to check how well your heart is working. These tests include an electrocardiogram (EKG or …
Health topics
… not have to guess when it is low. Teach your friends and co-workers what to do if your blood sugar is very low. How to … and will get help for you if needed. Teach others (at work and at home) how to check your blood sugar in case you … review the instructions if needed. Teach other people (at work and at home) what to do in case your blood sugar …
Health topics
… low and you need help. Teach your friends, family, and co-workers about low blood sugar. Be sure they know the … low blood sugar. Post a list of the symptoms at home and at work. Show them how to check your blood sugar if you can't … very low. Post emergency care instructions at home and at work. If you take insulin, always carry glucagon with you. …
Health topics
… and walking Fatigue and emotional well-being How your brain works (cognition) Quality of life To experience the health … is a brief introduction video explaining how the videos work and how stroke survivors can assign themselves to a …
Health topics
… blood cell count (CBC) tests to see if anemia treatment is working. How is end-stage renal disease treated? In … Be active every day that you can, in any way that you can. Work with your doctor to decide what level of activity is … blood cell count (CBC) tests to see if anemia treatment is working. How is end-stage renal disease treated? In …
Health topics
… for opioids. You can no longer do your main jobs at work, at school, or at home. You keep using, even though … with friends and family. It looks at your school and work, medical problems, and living situation. Treatment … for opioids. You can no longer do your main jobs at work, at school, or at home. You keep using, even though …