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… when trying to latch on to the breast after after using a bottle and may even refuse the breast. Talk to your …
Health topics
… pull out a few hairs for tests. If it's not clear what's causing your hair loss, your doctor may do a blood test or … to grow back. For example, if an underactive thyroid is causing the problem, taking thyroid medicine may help. And … it back too tightly, wearing tight braids or ponytails, or using curling irons or dyes. Age. You grow less hair as you …
Health topics
… checkups and tests. Have surgery or radiation instead of using active surveillance. This decision aid is for men who … on this decision. Show which way you are leaning right now. Using active surveillance Having surgery or radiation instead of using active surveillance Leaning toward Undecided Leaning …
HealthLinkBC files
… drinking After cleaning and removing boots or shoes After using the washroom Supervise your child and make sure they … and water, use towelettes to remove grease and dirt before using an alcohol-based hand rub If possible, eat before you … paper towels. Do not dry hands on clothes Turn off the taps using a paper towel For more information For more …
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