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Health topics
… problem. It happens when fluid builds up in the lungs, causing breathing failure and low oxygen levels in the blood. ARDS … for fluid in the lungs. A chest CT scan, which can show problems with the lungs, such as pneumonia or a lung tumour. …
Health topics
… can increase their risk. These include pregnancy-related problems as well as medicines they may be taking, such as … progestin). footnote 1 , footnote 2 Birth control pills. Using birth control pills might increase your risk if you … their risk of heart disease and stroke when they take low-dose birth control pills. Pregnancy-related problems. …
Health topics
… very sick. You may cough, have a fever, and have trouble breathing. It often clears up in a few weeks with treatment. … tests if your symptoms are bad or you have other health problems. How is pneumonia treated? Pneumonia that is caused … test mucus from your lungs to find out if bacteria are causing your pneumonia. Finding out what is causing your …
Medical tests
… the culture is positive. The type of germ may be identified using a microscope or chemical tests. Sometimes other tests … Symptoms of a lung infection may include having a hard time breathing, pain when breathing, or a cough that produces bloody or greenish brown …
HealthLinkBC files
… period of time, it will affect your nervous system, causing shaking, drowsiness, weakness, anxiety, depression and …
Health topics
… of Your Preterm Infant Taking Care of Yourself Health Problems in Preterm Newborns Treatments a Preterm Infant May … they can be watched closely for infections and changes in breathing and heart rate and be kept warm. They may be fed … boost her baby's immune system by providing breast milk. Using pumped breast milk for tube-feeding reduces your …
Health topics
… dried blood or scabs build up, you could also have trouble breathing through your nose. Many perforations don't need to … a saddle-shaped deformity. Surgery can resolve these problems. How Well It Works Surgery to repair a nasal septum … dried blood or scabs build up, you could also have trouble breathing through your nose. Many perforations don't need to …
Health topics
… medical care decisions that are important to many health problems. Diabetes: Should I Get an Insulin Pump? Actionsets … muscle and fat for energy. Increased hunger. The body isn't using all the calories that it can. Many calories leave the … up. Lack of interest in normal activities. Rapid, deep breathing. Loss of appetite, belly pain, and vomiting. …
Health topics
… include massage, comfort positions and relaxation and breathing techniques. Learn more: Breathing techniques for childbirth Comfort positions labour and birth Practicing breathing techniques for labour Problems during labour Labour may not go as smoothly as you …