6267 results found
Health topics
… can be intense for the first few days when you quit using tobacco, but they will get better with time. Here are … nicotine replacement products, such as gum, inhalers, lozenges, mouth sprays, or patches. Ask your … Go for a walk, a bike ride, or a swim. Relax. Try deep-breathing exercises or yoga. Take a hot bath or shower. …
Health topics
… groin pain Shortness of breath Difficulty sleeping Improved breathing Increased need to pee Braxton Hicks contractions … a warm, relaxing bath Eating a snack with a warm drink Using extra pillows for support Practicing deep breathing and relaxation exercises Listening to relaxing …
Health topics
… Under the Skin + - Arm, Shoulder, and Hand Arm Injuries Arm Problems, Non-Injury Cuts Elbow Injuries Elbow Problems, Non-Injury Finger, Hand, and Wrist Injuries Finger, Hand, and Wrist Problems, Non-Injury Fish Hook Injuries Nail Problems and …
Health topics
… how to use and care for the tube, and how to avoid common problems. A feeding tube is inserted during a surgery. After … out of your belly. Foods, liquids, and medicines are given using the tube. The food is a mixture (formula) made up of … all you can about how the tube works and how to avoid problems. Making tube feeding less of a mystery may help you …
Health topics
… cleft cysts are found in the neck. They don't usually cause problems unless they get infected. These cysts are most … in neck or throat developed quickly Are you having trouble breathing (more than a stuffy nose)? Yes Difficulty breathing more than a stuffy nose No Difficulty breathing …
Health topics
… sleep apnea, because it has been linked with other health problems including high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, … FAQs What is sleep apnea? You have sleep apnea when your breathing is often blocked or partly blocked while you … the day. You may feel grouchy a lot and have trouble focusing on work and activities. If you snore, your bed partner …
Health topics
Health topics
… symptoms such as a very bad headache and trouble seeing and breathing. It also can cause belly pain and decreased … Checking Your Blood Pressure at Home High Blood Pressure: Using the DASH Diet What Increases Your Risk Some things … checkups are important. They let the doctor find and treat problems early. With prompt treatment, you are more likely …
Health topics
… muscle doesn't get enough blood. This can lead to serious problems, including heart attack . It can be a shock to find … to wonder what you want. And you can spend your time focusing on your relationships. You will need to decide if you … Try different ways to reduce stress, such as exercise, deep breathing, meditation, or yoga. Seek help for sleep …
Health topics
… some tips on how to cope: Use nicotine gum, lozenges, or an inhaler. Distract yourself. Stop what you are doing, and do … Chew on a toothpick or a piece of gum. Relax! Try deep-breathing exercises or yoga. Do a puzzle or some other … Chew on a toothpick or a piece of gum. Relax! Try deep-breathing exercises or yoga. Do a puzzle or some other …