6267 results found
Health topics
… is not related to health conditions, such as digestion problems. But having gas in the belly can make crying worse. … doctor may do lab tests or X-rays to find out what is causing them. What can you do about colic? It may help to see … a baby's first weeks, especially around people who smoke. Breathing in second-hand smoke can increase a baby's risk …
Health topics
… the more costs will add up from smoking-related medical problems such as lung cancer, heart disease, or emphysema. … nicotine replacement therapy (gum, lozenges, patches, or inhalers). Get counselling (by phone, group, or one-on-one). … the more costs will add up from smoking-related medical problems such as lung cancer, heart disease, or emphysema. …
HealthLinkBC files
… as rivers, lakes and streams, can also contain disease-causing organisms from animal feces. If you have a weak immune … Reverse Osmosis (RO): RO is effective against all disease-causing organisms and many chemical contaminants. Unless it … (UV) Treatment: UV light will kill many disease-causing organisms, and is effective against almost all …
Health topics
… suggest you should see a doctor, don't put it off. Ignoring problems often leads to complications that are more … and what isn't. Most doctors would agree on a short list of problems that should always be treated as emergencies— heart … bleeding , stroke symptoms, and a few others. Most health problems are not emergencies. You may want to take care of …
Health topics
… not being able to stand the cold, constipation, memory problems, and heavy or irregular menstrual periods. Symptoms … progress to loss of consciousness (coma). Severe trouble breathing, slow heart rate (less than 60 beats per minute), … It's not a good choice for hypothyroidism that is causing symptoms. Treatment should start as soon as the …
Health topics
… you supposed to handle infections, stress, and other health problems? How do you prevent them? When you have questions, … Teens Birth Control Pills: Missed or Skipped Periods Breast Problems Bulimia Nervosa Cervical Cell Changes on a Pap Test … With Cravings and Withdrawal Seasonal Affective Disorder: Using Light Therapy Stress Management: Relaxing Your Mind …
Health topics
… more Asbestos and Lung Cancer Lung Cancer and Other Lung Problems From Smoking What Increases Your Risk Most lung … can increase your risk. Smoking, exposure to cancer-causing substances, and gene changes are risk factors. Having … pain that doesn't go away and often gets worse with deep breathing. New wheezing. Shortness of breath. Hoarseness. …
Health topics
… include premature birth, certain infections, and genetic problems . What are the symptoms? CP causes problems with … immediately if your child with CP: Is having problems breathing . Chokes during feeding and you can't dislodge the … money, knowing when and where to seek medical care, and using public transportation. Talk to your teen about …
Health topics
… ACE inhibitors are used for many heart and blood vessel problems. For example, they may be used if you have: … talk to your doctor. Your doctor may be able to lower your dose or change to a different medicine. Always be sure you … check the information that came with the medicine you're using. If you have questions, talk to your pharmacist or …
Health topics
… your blood sugar, you decrease your risk for other health problems caused by diabetes, such as eye problems, kidney … be used to. But with practice, monitoring your levels and using insulin correctly can become a routine part of your … taking diabetes medicine, you may need to increase your dose. You don't have to give yourself a shot. You don't have …