6265 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… The vaccine is given by injection as a series of 2, 3 or 4 doses. The number of doses depends on how old you are when the immunization … called anaphylaxis. This may include hives, difficulty breathing, or swelling of the throat, tongue or lips. If …
Health topics
… blood tests and maybe a liver biopsy to check for liver problems. If you have used antiviral medicine once without … with chronic (long-term) hepatitis B don't develop serious problems and can live active, full lives without treatment. … to prevent further liver damage by not drinking alcohol or using illegal drugs. You avoid the side effects of antiviral …
Health topics
… of the knee. Osteotomy This surgery corrects knee problems such as bowleg and knock-knee. It is usually done … clots before, and those who have cancer. Wound-healing problems. These are more common in people who take steroid … or, in some cases, another type of surgery. You can try using crutches, braces, and other types of walking support …
Health topics
… are NSAIDs used? NSAIDS are used for many different health problems. NSAIDs help with pain and fever. They can also … talk to your doctor. Your doctor may be able to lower your dose or change to a different medicine. Always be sure you … check the information that came with the medicine you're using. If you have questions, talk to your pharmacist or …
Health topics
… too, if your child is more likely to have certain health problems. The Canadian National Advisory Committee on … shot. Severe reactions, such as trouble breathing or a high fever are rare. If you or your child has … is given once as several quick punctures on the upper arm, using a special prong device. Immunity after a first-time …
Health topics
… to breathe. Ascites can be a complication of other health problems, such as liver disease and some cancers. How is … of problems. Sodium adds to the problem of ascites by causing your body to retain water. It increases fluid buildup … being uncomfortable, this fluid buildup can lead to trouble breathing, infection, and other problems. You may want to …
Health topics
… your body. One type may only involve your skin, causing hives or deeper skin swelling (a cutaneous reaction), … but it does not affect the tongue or throat or cause breathing problems. A more serious type of systemic reaction can cause …
Health topics
… to accept change. Inner strength can help a child face problems. Children who are resilient: Are more likely to … better able to stand up to peer pressure so they can avoid using drugs, drinking alcohol, and smoking. Are better able … Children who explore learn new skills and how to solve problems. They learn that actions have consequences, and …
Health topics
… your skin (topical medicines). Gentle skin care, including using plenty of moisturizer, is also important. Early … outgrow it. But some teens and adults continue to have problems with it, though usually not as bad as when they were children. Health problems caused by eczema There are some other health …
Health topics
… as prescribed. For example, doctors often prescribe a low dose of antidepressant medicines at first. This is to help … A change in appetite. Feeling nervous or on edge. Sexual problems in teens. (These may include erection problems or loss of desire.) Help your child manage mild …