6265 results found
Health topics
… And even a little water in the lungs can cause serious lung problems in the next hours or days. Your child will need to … These include oxygen levels, temperature, blood pressure, breathing rate, and pulse rate. Non-fatal drowning can … away. How is it treated? Treatment may include: Help with breathing. A machine called a ventilator will gently push …
Health topics
… tonsil. The tonsils are so large that they affect nighttime breathing. This is called sleep apnea . Large tonsils are not a reason to have a tonsillectomy unless they are causing problems. Learn more Tonsillitis: Should My Child Have a …
Health topics
… Constant worry and stress over jobs, finances, or other problems can cause tense muscles, pain, headaches, and … body releases hormones that speed up your heart rate and breathing, increase blood pressure, and make your muscles … role in managing a health condition. Stress Management: Breathing Exercises for Relaxation Stress Management: Doing …
Health topics
… for your blood to clot. That means it can cause bleeding problems. So it's important to know how to take it safely. … clot. Depending on the results, your doctor may adjust your dose of warfarin. How do you take warfarin safely? These … for your blood to clot. That means it can cause bleeding problems. So it's important to know how to take it safely. …
Health topics
… "brawn-kee-ECK-tuh-sus") is a lung problem in which the breathing tubes (airways) in the lungs are stretched and … . Other causes include whooping cough and autoimmune problems, such as AIDS. Bronchiectasis can also be … to help drain fluid from the lungs. This helps to ease breathing and prevent infections. In chest percussion, you …
Health topics
… swelling and narrowing in the voice box, windpipe, and breathing tubes that lead to the lungs. This can make it … hear it. A raspy, hoarse voice. A harsh, crowing noise when breathing in. Sometimes children breathe fast and need to … Coughs, Age 11 and Younger Handwashing Respiratory Problems, Age 11 and Younger Taking Care of Yourself When …
Health topics
… pregnant. Be sure to tell your doctor about any health problems you have or medicines you take. Your doctor can … method that is right for you. What are the advantages of using a cervical cap for birth control? The cervical cap … use it if you can't take hormones because of other health problems. It is safe to use while breastfeeding. It doesn't …
Health topics
… the diaphragm. Be sure to tell your doctor about any health problems you have or medicines you take. Your doctor can … method that is right for you. What are the advantages of using a diaphragm for birth control? The diaphragm doesn't … or can't take hormones because you have certain health problems or concerns. The diaphragm is safe to use while …
Health topics
… on preventing infection. How can you care for yourself when using the catheter? Wash your hands before you handle the … to contact your doctor or nurse advice line if you have any problems. Living With a Spinal Cord … to contact your doctor or nurse advice line if you have any problems. Living With a Spinal Cord …
Health topics
… Hold it for a moment, and then exhale. Feel more relaxed? Breathing exercises are one way to relax. Here you will … stress. It can also relieve anxiety, depression, and sleep problems. To relax means to calm the mind, the body, or … Relaxing the mind Take slow, deep breaths. Or try other breathing exercises for relaxation. Stress Management: …