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Health topics
… As the toxin spreads, it can be deadly. It can cause problems with your blood pressure and heart rate. It can … recover. In this case, you will need treatment to help with breathing and other body functions. After you've had … recover. In this case, you will need treatment to help with breathing and other body functions. After you've had …
Health topics
… manner. Keep your child quiet, if possible. Crying can make breathing more difficult. Try rocking or distracting your … Coughs, Age 11 and Younger Respiratory Problems, Age 11 and Younger Current as of: March 1, … manner. Keep your child quiet, if possible. Crying can make breathing more difficult. Try rocking or distracting your …
Health topics
… failure, since the condition may affect muscles used for breathing. How is it diagnosed? A doctor will do a physical … in your arms and legs. If you have severe AFM that causes problems breathing, you may need care in the hospital. How can you …
Medical tests
… Is Done An upper GI endoscopy may be done to: Find what's causing you to vomit blood. Find the cause of symptoms, such … an infection, such as helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). Find problems in the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract. These … many foods you swallow. It will not cause problems with breathing. After the scope is in your esophagus, your head …
Health topics
… risk are older adults and people who have long-term health problems, such as a weakened immune system . There are two … they have influenza (flu) . They may cough or have trouble breathing. Older adults and people with other medical … can do. Get vaccinated. These shots prevent germs from causing some of the diseases that can lead to meningitis. They …
Health topics
… blood vessels. These tests help doctors find out what's causing new symptoms, such as discomfort in your chest, … Check how well your heart valves are working. Look for problems with the structure of your heart. Heart tests can … to your body Checks the size of heart chambers Checks for problems with blood flow or structure of the heart Cardiac …
Health topics
… can be a problem or can be serious. If you're having problems with side effects, talk to your doctor. Your doctor may be able to lower your dose or change to a different medicine. Always be sure you … check the information that came with the medicine you're using. If you have questions, talk to your pharmacist or …
Health topics
… can be a problem or can be serious. If you're having problems with side effects, talk to your doctor. Your doctor may be able to lower your dose or change to a different medicine. Always be sure you … check the information that came with the medicine you're using. If you have questions, talk to your pharmacist or …
Health topics
… can be a problem or can be serious. If you're having problems with side effects, talk to your doctor. Your doctor may be able to lower your dose or change to a different medicine. Always be sure you … check the information that came with the medicine you're using. If you have questions, talk to your pharmacist or …
Medical tests
… X-rays are then taken. ERCP can diagnose and treat certain problems found during the test. In some cases, your doctor … Remove gallstones from the common bile duct if they are causing problems. These may include a blockage (obstruction), … caused by the anesthetic. There is always plenty of breathing space around the tube in your mouth and throat. …