6265 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… become fully effective, and others may require more than 1 dose. This is especially important if you live in a rural … drinking water contaminated with feces. You may require a dose of Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV) if you are going to … get it by eating contaminated food or drinking water. One dose of hepatitis A vaccine can provide good short-term …
Health topics
… technology (ART) used to treat certain infertility problems, such as sperm-related infertility. ICSI is used to … Ovulation and egg retrieval To prepare for a procedure using your own eggs, you will likely get daily hormone shots … ultrasound to see how your follicles are developing. Your dose may change based on test results. If follicles fully …
Health topics
… take them as directed. Talk to your doctor if you have problems such as missing doses or having side effects. Take steps to avoid foodborne … take them as directed. Talk to your doctor if you have problems such as missing doses or having side effects. Take …
Health topics
… abnormal cells can crowd out normal blood cells and cause problems. CML usually gets worse slowly. But sometimes it … stress. Massage and biofeedback to reduce pain and tension. Breathing exercises to help you relax. Talk with your doctor … like to try. And let your doctor know if you are already using any complementary therapies. They are not meant to …
Health topics
… since you gave birth. The type that contains a very low dose of estrogen may be helpful. Some women notice that they … since you gave birth. The type that contains a very low dose of estrogen may be helpful. Some women notice that they …
Medical tests
… resonance imaging (MRI) of the abdomen is done to: Find problems or tumours in the abdominal organs and tissues. In … be scanned. A special belt strap may be used to sense your breathing. The belt triggers the machine to take the scan at … the test. But most reactions are mild and can be treated using medicine. If you breastfeed and are concerned about …
Health topics
HealthLinkBC files
… of age. Most vaccines need to be given as more than 1 dose, or more than once. To ensure the best protection for your baby, the doses are given 1 or more months apart. For example, … can be a deadly disease for babies. Babies need their first dose at 2 months of age to begin building protection against …
Health topics
… Being active can also help you manage other health problems like high blood pressure and diabetes. It will also … enough, but not too much. You note how hard you are breathing. If you can't talk and exercise at the same time, … comfortably do the exercises and weights that you've been using for a few weeks. If you have angina, heart failure, or …
Health topics
… spine. The doctor attaches metal rods to the spine without fusing the bones together. This is only done in younger … of surgery? Risks of surgery to fix a spinal curve include: Problems that can happen with back surgery, such as nerve … the compressed lung tissue. Over time, this may lead to breathing problems and heart failure . Scoliosis that is …