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Health topics
… fluid causes congestion in the lungs and difficulty breathing. Excess sodium in the body results in the release … in the body and causes congestion in the lungs, which makes breathing difficult. Also, fluid may build up in the wall of … fluid causes congestion in the lungs and difficulty breathing. Excess sodium in the body results in the release …
Health topics
… hand, wrist, or forearm during everyday activities, such as using a screwdriver or scissors, gardening, and playing … There are also risks from general anesthesia , such as breathing problems. Why might your doctor recommend tennis elbow …
Health topics
… from being exposed to cold temperatures? This could include problems like frostbite or hypothermia. Yes Cold exposure … Weakness, confusion, or extreme sleepiness. Slow, shallow breathing. Slow or uneven pulse. Passing out. Call 9-1-1 Now … Weakness, confusion, or extreme sleepiness. Slow, shallow breathing. Slow or uneven pulse. Passing out. Call 9-1-1 Now …
Health topics
… to take steps to prevent a stroke, manage other health problems, and have a heart-healthy lifestyle. FAQs What is … heart's electrical system. Sometimes the system misfires, causing an irregular heart rhythm (arrhythmia). In atrial … to take steps to prevent a stroke, manage other health problems, and have a heart-healthy lifestyle. What are the …
HealthLinkBC files
… your baby hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIg) and the first dose of the hepatitis B vaccine series at birth. Antiviral … filters, water, needles and syringes Practice safer sex. Using a barrier (such as a condom) every time you have sex … or sneezing Physical contact such as hugging and kissing Using the same dishes or cutlery or sharing meals …
HealthLinkBC files
… virus, follow these tips: Wash your hands, especially after using the toilet, changing diapers or before eating or … acid or ammonia makes a toxic gas that causes serious breathing problems, choking and potentially death. Throw out any food …
Health topics
… daily amount? Folic acid is measured in micrograms using Dietary Folate Equivalents (DFE). Here are the daily … much do women need? Folic acid is measured in micrograms using Dietary Folate Equivalents (DFE). The recommended … mcg of folic acid. footnote 2 Some women need even higher doses. Women who have a higher risk for certain birth …
Health topics
… at this time but may prove to be useful to: Detect other problems or diseases of the anus, rectum, or large intestine … do before the test. If you are having virtual colonoscopy using CT, you will be given some liquid to drink after your … at this time but may prove to be useful to: Detect other problems or diseases of the anus, rectum, or large intestine …