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6263 results found
Health topics
… Practice healthy coping skills, like meditation or deep breathing. Take time to yourself to recharge. You could take … Practice healthy coping skills, like meditation or deep breathing. Take time to yourself to recharge. You could take …
Health topics
… burns energy to keep up basic functions like heartbeat, breathing, and thinking is called your basal metabolic rate … burns energy to keep up basic functions like heartbeat, breathing, and thinking is called your basal metabolic rate …
Medical tests
… diagnose and evaluate different kinds of vision and health problems. Electroretinography (ERG) ERG measures the … or flashes of light. An ERG test can check for diseases and problems of the retina. A full-field ERG can check how well … whole eye. It is done to check for certain eye and retina problems. Visual evoked response (VER) VER tests the …
Health topics
… Or you may have mild to severe symptoms. If you have problems, ask your doctor about over-the-counter medicine. … are most likely to become pregnant if you have sex without using birth control . Luteal (premenstrual) phase This phase … menstrual pain and bleeding. Start to take the recommended dose of pain reliever when symptoms start or 1 day before …
Health topics
… of urinary problem or injury in their lifetime. Urinary problems can range from minor to serious. And sometimes these problems can start with the same symptoms. For example, pain … tract infections. So it can be hard to tell which one is causing the problem. But you can be prepared. Some common …
Health topics
… and how to manage them. Most side effects are short-term problems. They slowly go away during the recovery part of … time. Mouth sores, loss of appetite, and other digestive problems. These problems include nausea, vomiting, and … can tell you what precautions to take and how long to keep using the precautions. Hair loss. Some chemo medicines can …
Health topics
… This includes any other surgeries you've had and any health problems. If you have sleep apnea, be sure to let the … Also tell them if you or a family member has had past problems with anesthesia. Make a list of all medicines that … medicines, and natural health products. Some medical problems may increase your risk of complications when you …
Medical tests
… is done to: Find out about and check on mental health problems. This can include anxiety , depression , … Help tell the difference between mental and physical health problems. Check a person who has been referred for mental health treatment. This might be done for problems at school, work, or home. For example, it may be …
Health topics
… pregnancy—which means that you and your baby have no known problems—you can ask ahead of time to have intermittent … times during labour. For example, in a pregnancy with no problems, the baby's heartbeat might be checked every 15 to … Low-risk means that you and your baby have no known health problems and the pregnancy has gone well. Doctors advise …