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Health topics
… of times you use tobacco in a day and going longer without using it can help you feel more in control. You will be less … risks of using tobacco. If you smoke, reduced use has problems. People who smoke only a few cigarettes have more health problems than people who don't smoke. People who cut back on …
Health topics
… the vein is closed off, blood cannot flow through it. Risks Problems caused by endoscopic treatment are not common. If problems do occur, they may include: Infection. Puncture of … the vein is closed off, blood cannot flow through it. Risks Problems caused by endoscopic treatment are not common. If …
Health topics
… that cannot be stopped for surgery. You have other health problems that make surgery dangerous. You have a skin … that cannot be stopped for surgery. You have other health problems that make surgery dangerous. You have a skin … that cannot be stopped for surgery. You have other health problems that make surgery dangerous. You have a skin …
Health topics
… SAM-e is also taken as a quit-smoking aid and for health problems like Alzheimer's disease, attention-deficit … science that taking SAM-e helps with these or other health problems. Risks Not all natural health products are safe. If … or dietitian. Always tell your doctor if you are using a natural health product or if you're thinking about …
Health topics
… gonorrhea or chlamydia, you will need treatment to prevent problems during pregnancy. Vaginal yeast infections are a … gonorrhea or chlamydia, you will need treatment to prevent problems during pregnancy. Vaginal yeast infections are a …
Health topics
… illness. A decrease in good bacteria may lead to digestive problems like diarrhea, gas, and cramping. It may also lead … bowel disease . Some people think probiotics may help treat problems in the stomach and intestines. But only certain … illness. A decrease in good bacteria may lead to digestive problems like diarrhea, gas, and cramping. It may also lead …
Health topics
… generally is safe if you're healthy and not at risk for problems. The safest time to travel is between 18 and 24 … travel by car throughout your pregnancy if you're having no problems. But talk to your doctor or midwife before you take … generally is safe if you're healthy and not at risk for problems. The safest time to travel is between 18 and 24 …
Health topics
… treatment. How are they diagnosed? Doctors diagnose these problems by closely examining the eyelid. It may be hard to … of the eyelid promptly. Blepharitis Eye Problems, Non-Injury Current as of: October 12, 2022 … treatment. How are they diagnosed? Doctors diagnose these problems by closely examining the eyelid. It may be hard to …
Health topics
… may be caused by a change in the cornea or the lens . These problems cause light rays entering the eye to focus in front … your vision doesn't bother you and if you have no driving problems or other safety concerns, you don't need to have … if you have changes in your vision. Eye Problems, Non-Injury Farsightedness (Hyperopia) Presbyopia …
Health topics
… Symptoms of vertigo and dizziness may be caused by many problems other than labyrinthitis. Vertigo begins without … called electronystagmography, or an MRI to rule out other problems. How is labyrinthitis treated? Most of the time, … Symptoms of vertigo and dizziness may be caused by many problems other than labyrinthitis. Vertigo begins without …