6267 results found
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… may include hot flashes, mood swings, weight gain, urinary problems, vaginal dryness, and pain with sexual intercourse. … chances of getting breast cancer. Surgery can cause other problems, such as infection, bleeding, or a reaction to the … after surgery. If the operation is done laparoscopically (using very small cuts), you could go home the same day. This …
HealthLinkBC files
… mood swings and memory loss. The disease also causes problems with movement and advances quickly to a vegetative … Tests on the fluid surrounding the spinal cord Brain images using MRI scans Recordings of the brain’s electrical activity using EEG Tonsil biopsy The diagnosis can only be confirmed …
Health topics
… kinds of bacteria and viruses may also play a role in causing the disease. Crohn's disease may run in families. … kinds of bacteria and viruses may also play a role in causing the disease. Crohn's disease may run in families. …
Health topics
… one's condition. But for people who have memory or thinking problems, it's best to avoid any activities that might not … one's condition. But for people who have memory or thinking problems, it's best to avoid any activities that might not …
Health topics
Health topics
Health topics
… moments of relief, peace, or happiness. Grieving can cause problems such as headaches, loss of appetite, or trouble … 5 may develop eating, sleeping, or toileting and bedwetting problems. Children ages 7 to 12 Children between the ages of … about death or suicide. You are concerned that you're using substances to avoid emotions and thoughts, such as …
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Medical tests
Health topics
… surgical team of the potential for cervical (neck) spine problems. Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis … surgical team of the potential for cervical (neck) spine problems. Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis …