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514 results found
Health topics
… in a chair. Make sure your knees do not go in front of your toes. Lower yourself about 15 cm (6 in.) . Your heels should … and your knee should not go any farther forward than your toe. As you bend and straighten your leg, try to keep your knee moving in a straight line with your middle toe. Do 8 to 12 repetitions. Remember to limit the bend of …
… weakness or pain numbness/tingling in your fingers or toes pale or gray color of the lips/tongue/palms of hands A … weakness/pain and numbness/tingling in their fingers or toes. This medication can affect fertility in males. Ask … weakness or pain numbness/tingling in your fingers or toes pale or gray color of the lips/tongue/palms of hands A …
Health topics
… because the disc has changed too much or the joint has broken down, the surgeon may need to remove the disc … because the disc has changed too much or the joint has broken down, the surgeon may need to remove the disc …
Health topics
… as a unit (logroll). Stop any bleeding, and splint any broken bones. Keep the person warm but not hot. Put a … as a unit (logroll). Stop any bleeding, and splint any broken bones. Keep the person warm but not hot. Put a …
Health topics
… out. If water (amniotic sac) is still intact it may be broken to help you along. The amniotic sac is the membrane …
Health topics
… the cartilage of the rib cage. Symptoms of a bruised rib or broken rib include: Sharp, severe pain in the area of the … the cartilage of the rib cage. Symptoms of a bruised rib or broken rib include: Sharp, severe pain in the area of the …
Health topics
… Why It Is Done A crown is used to: Treat teeth that have broken or decayed so much that your dentist cannot fix them … Why It Is Done A crown is used to: Treat teeth that have broken or decayed so much that your dentist cannot fix them …
Health topics
… medicines. It can lead to osteoporosis and, later, broken bones. More than half of people who take steroids for … medicines. It can lead to osteoporosis and, later, broken bones. More than half of people who take steroids for …
Health topics
… at birth (congenital) or because of an injury, such as a broken nose. Very few people have a perfectly straight … at birth (congenital) or because of an injury, such as a broken nose. Very few people have a perfectly straight …
Medical tests
… used only when you are in labour and your amniotic sac has broken. If it is needed and your amniotic sac has not broken, your doctor may break the sac to start the test. … used only when you are in labour and your amniotic sac has broken. If it is needed and your amniotic sac has not …