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Health topics
… instrument (phaco probe) can reach the cataract. Lens is broken up and removed slide 4 of 8 < Prev      Next > slide 4 of 8, Lens is broken up and removed, The probe uses sound waves … instrument (phaco probe) can reach the cataract. Lens is broken up and removed slide 4 of 8 < Prev      Next > slide …
Health topics
… Overview Overview A splint protects a broken bone or other injury. If you have a removable splint, … weight you can put on your injured limb. If the fingers or toes on the limb with the splint were not injured, wiggle … how we develop our content . … Overview A splint protects a broken bone or other injury. If you have a removable splint, …
Health topics
… your symptoms. It may be hard to tell if your nose is broken . Swelling can make your nose look crooked even if it isn't broken. When the swelling goes down after a few days, it's … Seriousness of a nose injury Whether or not your nose is broken, a nose injury is more serious when: You have a …
Health topics
… doctor. Older adults have a greater chance for injuries and broken bones. That's because they lose muscle mass and bone … ). Muscle ruptures, such as a biceps or triceps rupture. Broken bones ( fractures ). A break may occur when a bone is … Bleeding From a Skin Wound Removing a Ring From a Finger or Toe Arm splint and sling … Check Your Symptoms Overview …
Health topics
… or puncture is likely to occur when a jaw or facial bone is broken. The bone may come through the skin or poke into the … a tear or rupture of small blood vessels under the skin. Broken bones, such as a fractured cheekbone . A dislocated … Yes Jaw injury No Jaw injury Do you think you may have a broken jaw? If your jaw is broken, your top and bottom teeth …
Health topics
… of bone or tissue around the joint at the base of the big toe. The big toe may turn toward the second toe. The tissues around the joint may be swollen and tender. …
Health topics
… Ingrown Toenail On this page: Conditions Basics Conditions Basics What is an ingrown toenail? An ingrown toenail is a toenail that has grown into the skin instead of …
Health topics
… loose. Biting surfaces may become flat and worn down. A broken or loose dental appliance or an orthodontic wire or … for cosmetic reasons. If an object, such as a piece of broken tooth or an orthodontic wire, gets stuck in a wound, … fruits; and baked, mashed, or well-cooked sweet potatoes. Avoid foods that might sting. These include salty or …
Health topics
… that can be soft or hard. Soft corns are found between your toes. Hard corns may form on the tops of your toes. Corns caused by poorly fitting shoes will often go … the hard core softens. This typically occurs between toes. Calluses and corns are not caused by a virus and are …
Health topics
… bunions , calluses and corns , or hammer, claw, or mallet toes —will not become severely painful or disabling if you wear shoes with a wide toe box that gives your toes and the ball of your foot more room. Try to wear shoes …