514 results found
Health topics
… your feet. Pay special attention to the underside of your toes and between them. Use a mild soap. Pat your feet dry. … Don't rub the skin on your feet. Dry carefully between your toes. If the skin on your feet stays moist, bacteria or a … calluses and cracks. But don't put the cream between your toes. Clean underneath your toenails carefully. Don't use a …
Health topics
… fact, about half of all people with diabetes have a hammer toe or claw toe deformity or a Charcot foot deformity caused by an … (not hot) water. Pat your feet dry, including between your toes. Do not rub the skin. Check for blisters, cuts, cracks, …
Health topics
… shoes that fit properly. You should be able to wiggle your toes in your shoes while you are sitting and when you are … to be rubbed by poorly fitting shoes. Toe, Foot, and Ankle Injuries Current as of: March … shoes that fit properly. You should be able to wiggle your toes in your shoes while you are sitting and when you are …
Health topics
… symptoms usually begin in the hips, knees, heels, or big toes and later progress to the spine. Reactive arthritis … between the lower back and pelvis, and in the fingers, toes, and feet. The fingers and toes may swell, causing a "sausage digit." Reactive …
Health topics
… tightly. Thighs: Clench them hard. Lower legs: Point your toes toward your face, as if trying to bring the toes up to touch your head. Then point your toes away and curl them downward at the same time. (Check …
Health topics
… your ankle at about a 90-degree angle. Start where your toes meet the body of your foot. Hold the loose end of the … foot. Pull the bandage diagonally from the bottom of the toes across the foot's top and circle it around the ankle. … but should not cut off circulation to the foot. Check your toes. If they become purplish or blue, cool to the touch, or …
Health topics
… they are diagnosed with Paget's disease and osteoarthritis. Broken bones (fractures). After a bone is weakened by … thigh bone ( femur ), the forearm, or the back ( spine ). Broken long bones can be very serious and can lead to severe … objects. Paget's disease may cause abnormal healing of a broken bone. Nervous system problems. Paget's disease can …
Health topics
… fascia is the ligament that connects your heel bone to your toes. If you strain your plantar fascia, it gets weak, … try not to walk or run on hard surfaces. Stretch your toes and calves several times a day. Put ice on your heel to … Pain that gets worse when you climb stairs or stand on your toes. Pain after you stand for long periods. Pain at the …
Health topics
… ruptures, such as your biceps or triceps in your upper arm. Broken bones ( fractures ) of the upper arm bone (humerus) … Problems, Non-Injury Self-Care First aid for a possible broken bone Most minor elbow injuries will heal on their … Bleeding From a Skin Wound Removing a Ring From a Finger or Toe Arm splint and sling … Check Your Symptoms Overview …
Health topics
… from a direct blow to or overstretching of the tendon. Broken bones ( fractures ). A break may occur when a bone is … Post-Operative Problems Self-Care First aid for a possible broken bone Most minor shoulder problems will heal on their … Bleeding From a Skin Wound Removing a Ring From a Finger or Toe Pendulum-Swing Exercise for the Shoulder … Check Your …