514 results found
Health topics
… Avoid fields with holes in the ground, poor lighting, broken glass or playground equipment that’s broken. Drink water before, during, and after being active. …
Health topics
… baby's hand or foot with one hand, securing the finger or toe of the nail about to be cut. Place the blade of the … or scissors carefully under your baby's fingernail or toenail. Before applying pressure on the clipper or scissors … to cut the nail, pull down on your baby's finger or toe pad to be sure that you will not cut the skin. Cut the …
Health topics
… them hard. Lower legs: Push your heels out and flex your toes up, as if trying to bring the toes up to touch your shins. Then point your toes away and curl them downward. You may feel sleepy after …
Health topics
… the nail bed when it is hit or jammed. Severe or repetitive toe stubbing may cause a toenail to detach. This is also common in athletes who wear … infection , which occurs when fungi invade a fingernail or toenail and the skin underneath the nail (nail bed). …
Health topics
… If small areas of your body (ears, face, nose, fingers, or toes) are really cold or frozen, try these first aid … further cold exposure and bruising. Pad frozen fingers or toes. Gently wrap fingers or toes in soft, dry material, such as cotton or gauze. …
Health topics
… nails that curve inward (pincer nails) occur more often in toenails than fingernails and are caused by tight shoes. You … the fingers is a condition in which ends of the fingers and toes swell and the nails bulge outward. The nails wrap around thickened fingers or toes, looking more raised, curved, and shiny than usual. …
Health topics
… is your feet. When you lose the ability to feel your toes and feet, you are more likely to injure them without … up into the leg. Sometimes the infection is so severe that toes, the foot, and/or possibly part of the leg must be … is your feet. When you lose the ability to feel your toes and feet, you are more likely to injure them without …
Health topics
… flat on the towel at one end. Grip the towel with the toes of one foot (keep your heel on the floor and use your other foot to anchor the towel). Curl your toes to pull the towel toward you. Repeat with the other … or other treatment may be needed. Toe, Foot, and Ankle Problems, Non-Injury Current as …
Health topics
… one. In normal bone, the bone tissue is constantly being broken down, absorbed into the body, and then rebuilt with new cells. In Paget's disease, bone tissue is broken down and absorbed much faster than normal, so the … legs, an enlarged skull or hips, or a curved backbone. Broken bones, or fractures . Other symptoms may occur, …
Health topics
… range-of-motion exercises : Trace the alphabet with your toe, which encourages ankle movement in all directions. … on the floor and scrunch the towel toward you with your toes. Then, also using your toes, push the towel away from you. Make this exercise more …