4182 results found
Health topics
… What are genital warts? Genital warts are skin growths in the groin, genital, or anal areas. They can … warts. HPV and genital warts can be spread through sex or skin-to-skin genital contact with someone who has the virus. The …
Health topics
… This involves putting very thin needles into the skin at certain points on the body. Biofeedback. This is a … is normally controlled automatically by the body, such as skin temperature. Guided imagery. This is a series of … applies brief pulses of electricity to nerve endings in the skin. It can relieve chronic pain. Counselling (such as …
Health topics
… and follow all instructions on the label. Use moisturizing skin creams or ointments during the day. Use only moisturizing soaps while bathing. After a bath, apply skin creams or ointments. Always wear sunscreen on exposed skin. Make sure to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen that has a …
… with diet pills. Uses Liothyronine is used to treat an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism). It replaces or … levels include tiredness, muscle aches, constipation, dry skin, weight gain, slow heartbeat, or sensitivity to cold. … heart failure, irregular heartbeat, heart attack) high blood pressure diabetes water diabetes (diabetes insipidus) …
… of alcohol intolerance (such as flushing, tiredness) dry skin, increased sensitivity to touch/pain, and loss of body … Your doctor will monitor your liver function with blood tests before you start and while you are taking … others. Lab and/or medical tests (such as liver function, blood PSA test) should be done before you start taking this …
… is a decongestant and works by narrowing the blood vessels in the nose to decrease swelling and … urinating (such as due to an enlarged prostate) high blood pressure (hypertension) heart/blood vessel disease … interfere with certain laboratory tests (including allergy skin testing), possibly causing false test results. Make …
… right away if you notice that your urine is pink, red, or bloody. Side Effects Headache, redness/pain/swelling at the … loss of appetite, diarrhea, constipation, sensitive skin, or flu-like symptoms (such as sore throat, cough, body … on how to manage other side effects. Small amounts of blood in the urine cannot be seen without a microscope. A …
… with diet pills. Uses Thyroid hormone is used to treat underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism). It is a natural … levels include tiredness, muscle aches, constipation, dry skin, weight gain, slow heartbeat, or sensitivity to cold. … (such as coronary artery disease, irregular heartbeat) high blood pressure diabetes Before having surgery, tell your …
… of appetite, severe tiredness, dark urine, yellowing eyes/skin, aching muscles, joint pain). Liver problems can happen … Your doctor will monitor your liver function with blood tests while you take flutamide. Keep all medical and … others. Lab and/or medical tests (such as liver function, blood PSA test) should be done while you are taking this …
Health topics
… causes it? The cause of bipolar disorder isn't completely understood. But experts believe many factors may be … have them. Your doctor will ask about your family history. Blood and urine tests, such as a test of your thyroid, may … isn't causing your symptoms. A toxicology screen looks at blood, urine, or hair for the presence of drugs. The earlier …