4182 results found
Medical tests
… and stress echocardiograms. A Doppler echo shows blood flow through the heart and blood vessels. It can be done during any of these types of … is usually done to find out if you might have decreased blood flow to your heart ( coronary artery disease ). …
Health topics
… Overview Diabetes damages small blood vessels throughout the body. Diabetic retinopathy happens when high blood sugar damages the blood vessels of the retina. This is the part of the eye …
Health topics
… emergency? A hypertensive emergency is very high blood pressure that damages the body. It can cause damage to … other health problems, certain medicines, and not taking blood pressure medicines correctly. Another cause of a … Sudden trouble speaking. Sudden confusion or trouble understanding simple statements. Sudden problems with …
Health topics
… emergency. It happens when the heart is not getting enough blood. The coronary arteries supply oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle. If these arteries are narrowed or … angina or a heart attack. Unstable angina happens when blood flow to the heart is suddenly slowed by narrowed …
Health topics
… Information An obstetric panel is a group of blood tests done to check the health of a woman before and … during pregnancy or for a baby immediately after birth. Blood type , antibody screening, and a complete blood count (CBC) are all part of an obstetric panel. Your …
Medical tests
… It Is Done Results Test Overview The blood supply to your hand normally comes from two arteries: … procedure called the Allen test can be used to find out if blood flow to your hand is normal. This test checks to see if both of these blood vessels are open and working correctly. It may be done …
Health topics
… without discomfort or pain. They supply oxygen to your bloodstream to keep the rest of your body healthy. When your … (TB) Tuberculosis (TB) Screening Types of Chest Injuries Understanding Virtual Care (Telemedicine) Using a Pulse … Sputum Culture Sputum Cytology Thoracentesis Tuberculin Skin Test Viral Test for COVID-19 Open/close information …
Health topics
… edge (red zone) tend to heal well because there is a good blood supply. The inner area (white zone) lacks a good blood supply and therefore does not heal well. The type of … goes down. Put a thin cloth between the ice and your skin. Wrap the knee with an elastic bandage, such as an Ace …
Health topics
… cell transplant can use stem cells that come from your own blood or bone marrow. Or the stem cells can come from … cells are in your bone marrow . You also have some in your blood that circulate from your bone marrow. Bone marrow stem cells turn into red blood cells , white blood cells , or platelets to help your …
… stop loss of appetite stomach/abdominal pain yellowing eyes/skin dark urine A very serious allergic reaction to this … as phenytoin), among others. Cigarette smoking decreases blood levels of this medication. Tell your doctor if you … as phenytoin), among others. Cigarette smoking decreases blood levels of this medication. Tell your doctor if you …