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4640 results found
Health topics
… where you keep your pets At least once a week, clean birdcages, rodent cages, or areas where pets sleep. Dust and vacuum often. If … where you keep your pets At least once a week, clean birdcages, rodent cages, or areas where pets sleep. Dust and …
Health topics
… medical conditions. These include an enlarged prostate or problems controlling urine. It may be used after surgery on … much urine. Pain in the flank, which is just below the rib cage and above the waist on either side of the back. Blood … much urine. Pain in the flank, which is just below the rib cage and above the waist on either side of the back. Blood …
Health topics
… is a crack or break in one of the bones of the rib cage. A break in the thick tissue (cartilage) that connects … Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Test Chest Problems Chest X-Ray Dealing With Emergencies Lung Function … is a crack or break in one of the bones of the rib cage. A break in the thick tissue (cartilage) that connects …
Health topics
… the liver from working as it should. That can cause problems with blood clotting, which can lead to bleeding and … it? Cirrhosis can have many causes. Long-term, heavy use of alcohol can cause cirrhosis. So can chronic viral hepatitis . Other causes include autoimmune diseases , non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) , blocked bile ducts in the …
Health topics
… 2024 The term "substance use" refers to the use of drugs or alcohol, and includes substances such as cannabis, vapes, … symptoms, harm reduction strategies and how to get help. Alcohol and other drugs Alcohol use Alcohol and young people Alcohol and aging Substance use problems learning centre Cannabis Cannabis Information about …
Health topics
… stretches more than normal and becomes weak. It may cause problems, such as heart failure. This means your heart can't … with twins or more. Are age 30 or older. Smoke, drink alcohol, or use drugs. Are very overweight. Had … If you need help quitting, talk to your doctor. Avoid using alcohol or illegal drugs, such as cocaine. If you think you …
Health topics
… had a severe or repeated brain injury may have long-lasting problems with movement, learning, or speaking. What are the … of sleep, and take it easy during the day. Don't drink alcohol or use drugs. Return to your normal activities … affect you. Substance use disorder. You may use drugs or alcohol to get rid of feelings of anxiety, depression, and …
Health topics
… from the base of your neck to the bottom of your rib cage . Your ribs attach to the sternum and attach to and … a vertebra fracture; pressure on the spinal nerves from problems such as a herniated disc; and osteoarthritis. What … How this information was developed . Media gallery Rib cage Spine Angina symptoms … What is upper …
Health topics
… And it can cause an upset stomach, diarrhea, and headaches. Alcohol Drinking energy drinks and alcohol together may be unsafe. The caffeine in these drinks … them is that the main ingredient is caffeine. It can cause problems in children and teens, including: Higher blood …
Medical tests
… X-ray is the most common imaging test or X-ray used to find problems inside the chest. A chest X-ray can help find some … ). Broken bones (fractures) are seen in the rib cage, collarbone, shoulder, or spine. Enlarged lymph nodes … ). Broken bones (fractures) are seen in the rib cage, collarbone, shoulder, or spine. Enlarged lymph nodes …