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4640 results found
Health topics
… to check the stroke symptoms and check for other health problems. How is a stroke treated? For an ischemic stroke, … and sickle cell disease. Smoking. Drinking too much alcohol or using recreational drugs. Your risk of harm from alcohol is low if you have 2 drinks or less per week , …
Health topics
… often used along with other drugs, especially cocaine and alcohol. Some people snort alternate lines of heroin and … into a state like a trance. This can last 4 to 6 hours. Problems of heroin use With repeated use, heroin causes the … arms or legs or tattoos hiding scars. Alcohol and Drug Use in Young People Drug Use and Your …
Health topics
… predict your risk of a fracture. Bisphosphonates can cause problems with the jaw or thigh bone. But most women do not … regular weight-bearing exercise. Avoid drinking too much alcohol. If you smoke, quit. Bisphosphonates aren't right … regular weight-bearing exercise . Avoid drinking too much alcohol. Avoid smoking. Most of these healthy habits are …
Health topics
… night or wake up too early the next morning. These sleep problems may come and go, or they may be ongoing. What … steroids, and over-the-counter allergy medicines. Alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco can also lead to insomnia. … bedtimes and wake times, and not drinking caffeine or alcohol before bed. Some people decide to take medicine for …
Health topics
… Does your or another person's anger or hostility cause problems with others? These could include problems at work … lifestyle , such as eating and exercise habits, smoking, alcohol or drug use, sexual history, and travel. Try Home … Try to get 8 hours of sleep each night. Limit your use of alcohol, and don't use drugs. Practice a relaxation …
Health topics
… overweight makes you more likely to have serious health problems, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Surgery … be room in your stomach for both drinks and solid food. Use alcohol with care. Be careful about drinking alcohol. After gastric bypass or gastric sleeve surgery, you …
Health topics
… aren't tempted to keep reaching into the box or bag. Limit alcohol If you drink, limiting alcohol may help you manage your weight. Alcohol provides a lot of calories but no nutrition. The …
HealthLinkBC files
… to help you properly maintain water quality by identifying problems, knowing which chemicals to add, and knowing how … into a hot tub or shallow pool. Always enter feet first. Alcohol and drugs Alcohol and drugs increase risk. Most adult accidents in the …
Health topics
… a large fine, losing your driver's licence, or other legal problems). Extreme aggression is sometimes also called … pressure to join a gang. Live in a home with weapons. Use alcohol or drugs. Are being bullied. Live in a home with … have marital problems, or have a problem with drugs or alcohol. Spend a lot of time without adult supervision. Have …
Health topics
… most common types of ADHD symptoms in adults are attention problems and hyperactivity. Attention problems Adults with … behaviours. These include unprotected sex, unsafe driving, alcohol and drug use, or unwise business ventures. Related … behaviours. These include unprotected sex, unsafe driving, alcohol and drug use, or unwise business ventures. Related …