4640 results found
Healthy eating
… amount found in three small cups of coffee). Limit or avoid alcohol. Alcohol irritates the stomach and GI tract which may trigger …
HealthLinkBC files
… drinking water. What amount of manganese can cause health problems? Health Canada has set a Maximum Acceptable …
HealthLinkBC files
… of sludge to renew bacterial activity How can I prevent problems with my sewage system? Onsite sewage systems can be …
Health topics
… in a higher power, such as the 12-step program used by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA). … include group therapy, one-on-one counselling , drug and alcohol education, medical care, and family therapy . Your … it didn't work. You have other physical or mental health problems. Your home situation makes it hard to stay away …
Health topics
… Older adults are more likely to have long-term medical problems, such as diabetes or arthritis, which can lead to … Lifestyle choices. These may include smoking, drinking alcohol, or using other drugs. Social factors. These may … Lifestyle choices. These may include smoking, drinking alcohol, or using other drugs. Social factors. These may …
Health topics
… peripheral neuropathy. It is often caused by other health problems. It can also run in families. The most common cause … in the blood that damage nerves. Vitamin deficiencies and alcohol use disorder. Not getting enough nutrients, such as vitamin B-12, can damage nerves. Overuse of alcohol and not eating a healthy diet can lead to these …
Health topics
… together. Use condoms in the meantime. Don't drink a lot of alcohol or use illegal drugs before sex. You might let down … you still need to practice safer sex to keep your risk low. Alcohol and drugs If you use alcohol or drugs, be very … strong. A heart-healthy diet can help prevent some of the problems, such as high cholesterol, that can be caused by …
Healthy eating
… at a holiday dinner or a hot dog at a hockey game. Limit alcohol. Alcohol can increase the risk of colorectal, breast, liver, …
Health topics
… Teen Substance Use Actionset Overview If your teen is using alcohol, tobacco, or other substances, take it seriously. … for signs Sometimes it's hard to tell if a teen is using alcohol or drugs. Experts recommend that parents look for a … not only about drug and alcohol use but about other problems that may be going on. For example, there may be …
HealthLinkBC files
… in cement, flooring and ceiling materials. Which health problems are caused by asbestos? Most of the time asbestos …