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HealthLinkBC files
… way to know if you have high levels of manganese is to test your water. The water supplier or well owner is responsible … systems monitor for contaminants, including manganese. Your water supplier will know if manganese levels are too … humans to drink, and tell you if this is the case. To test your drinking water for manganese, contact your local health …
Health topics
… the effects of medicines. If you have problems controlling your bladder, your doctor may: Test a urine sample to see if … Emptying your bladder at regular intervals, including when you first wake up and at bedtime. Controlling your … Emptying your bladder at regular intervals, including when you first wake up and at bedtime. Controlling your
Health topics
… to preventing newborn HIV infection. footnote 2 Although your health professional may not offer an HIV test as part … medicines prevent the virus from multiplying. When the amount of HIV in the blood is minimized, the immune … medicines prevent the virus from multiplying. When the amount of HIV in the blood is minimized, the immune …
Medical tests
… sclerosis (MS) , the doctor will collect information about your symptoms. The kinds of symptoms, as well as how and when they occur, are important in evaluating whether you … your symptoms. The kinds of symptoms, as well as how and when they occur, are important in evaluating whether you …
Health topics
… requires regular blood tests and frequent monitoring by your doctor. It also requires daily shots. Why It Is Done GIFT may be appropriate when: You have religious objections to fertilization taking … daily shots. Why It Is Done GIFT may be appropriate when: You have religious objections to fertilization taking …
Health topics
… babies. And it can be linked to other medical problems that your doctor may want to check for. In rare cases, it can be … symptom of Hirschsprung disease. Children who are diagnosed when they're older may have symptoms. Symptoms may include: … symptom of Hirschsprung disease. Children who are diagnosed when they're older may have symptoms. Symptoms may include: …
Health topics
… Visit On this page: Overview Overview Your first prenatal visit will probably be the longest visit … include: Your menstrual history. This will include your age when you had your first period, whether your cycles are … include: Your menstrual history. This will include your age when you had your first period, whether your cycles are …
Health topics
… eruption? Seabather's eruption is a rash that occurs when a swimmer is stung by marine life larvae. The condition … general feeling of illness (malaise). How can you care for yourself? Home treatment for seabather's eruption can help … eruption? Seabather's eruption is a rash that occurs when a swimmer is stung by marine life larvae. The condition …
Health topics
… the veins. This is to prevent blood returning to the veins when you stand up. You may need to wear compression bandages or stockings after the procedure. Your doctor will tell you how long to wear them. … the veins. This is to prevent blood returning to the veins when you stand up. You may need to wear compression bandages …
Health topics
… silicone discs shaped to correct refractive errors . After your doctor tests your vision, he or she will write a prescription for the … try monovision can adjust to it. Monovision has some drawbacks, though. Each eye must work more independently, making …