6344 results found
Health topics
… a say in this decision, or you may simply want to follow your doctor's recommendation. Either way, this information will help you understand what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about … may get medicine to make you sleepy. You will probably go home the same day, or you might spend the night in the …
Health topics
… leafy green vegetables, and iron-fortified cereals in your diet. Iron from plant foods is not absorbed as well as … sources include corn tortillas made with lime (calcium carbonate) and green vegetables such as turnip greens, … sources include corn tortillas made with lime (calcium carbonate) and green vegetables such as turnip greens, …
Health topics
… laws protect some of those rights, like the right to see your medical records and keep them private. Many provinces and territories also have laws protecting your rights. Hospitals and other health care … them private. Many provinces and territories also have laws protecting your rights. Hospitals and other health care …
Health topics
… updated August 11, 2013 One of the best ways to protect your toddler's hearing is by breastfeeding. Breastfed … which can affect hearing. Read some more advice to keep your toddler’s hearing healthy. Your toddler starts to learn speech and language from the …
Health topics
… Through by-products of normal processes that take place in your body. Examples include burning sugars for energy and … Risks Until more studies are done, it's best to get your antioxidants from a diet rich in fruits and vegetables … by the NNHPD before they can be sold in Canada. Always tell your doctor if you're using a natural health product or if …
Health topics
… as in the arms and legs. And you will have an MRI to check your spinal cord. You may also have other tests, such as … or occupational therapy to help regain function in your arms and legs. If you have severe AFM that causes … you may need care in the hospital. How can you protect yourself? You can take steps to help protect yourself and …
Health topics
… arms during a crash. For every ride in a car, make sure your child is securely strapped into a car seat. Make sure … the guidelines and instructions provided by the maker of your car seat. Car seat requirements Infant and child car … Use the Universal Anchorage System (UAS) if you have it in your car. This feature allows parents to secure the car seat …
Health topics
… liquid. The following recommendations can help you protect your child from drowning hazards. Don't leave babies and … protect against drowning. They aren't a substitute for your attention. Don't leave babies and young children alone … buckets, such as 5-gallon buckets used for cleaning. Empty your buckets after each use, and keep them out of children's …
Health topics
… legislation, regulations, impacts on travel, growing at home and more, please visit Get Cannabis Clarity . … or frequent use of cannabis if you are under the age of 25. Your brain is still developing at this age. The earlier you … You could transfer harmful substances in cannabis to your developing baby while pregnant or through your breast …
HealthLinkBC files
… ingredients that make them safe and effective to protect your child from disease. Each vaccine contains a small … or weakened and the toxoids are inactive. Vaccines help your child’s immune system build protection against disease. … removed. Any tiny amount left in the vaccine will not harm your child. Other ingredients – Sugars, amino acids, salts, …