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Health topics
… on the eye. You will also get instructions on how to manage your pain. Someone must drive you home and then back to the surgeon's office the next day. During this second visit, the surgeon will check your eye and prescribe eyedrops to prevent infection and …
Health topics
… with diarrhea. You can become infected if you do not wash your hands after contact with these feces. Reptiles, baby … likely to carry Salmonella . You should always wash your hands immediately after handling one of these animals, … symptoms, foods you have recently eaten, and your work and home environments. A stool culture and blood tests may be …
Health topics
… people of all ages. If you think you may be depressed, tell your doctor. Treatment can help you enjoy life again. What … living with a long-term health problem, or leaving a home you've lived in for years. And like others who … and may not feel like eating. How is it diagnosed? If your doctor thinks you are depressed, the doctor will ask …
Health topics
… can be given in a hospital. You can also give it to yourself or to your child at home. It is easily stored. You can carry factor concentrate …
Health topics
… drainage from the middle ear. The fluid buildup can lower your or your child's ability to hear. And the warm, moist … pain or other symptoms after surgery. Most children go home within 1 to 2 hours after the surgery. Your child will …
Health topics
… to redirect blood flow around blocked blood vessels in your belly or groin area. The surgery is done to increase … in the belly to the legs. The doctor will make a cut in your belly. The doctor will also make a cut in your groin at … You will need to take it easy for at least 4 to 6 weeks at home. How It Is Done Aortobifemoral bypass surgery is used …
Health topics
…  5 pounds . One should expect to spend the first weeks at home with occasional rest periods throughout the day. … or snow)—are restricted for several months. Check with your surgeon before resuming cycling and swimming. Why It Is Done Surgery may be done if: Your child has a moderate to severe curve or yours is …
Health topics
… you don't treat Lyme disease, it can lead to problems with your skin, joints, heart, and nervous system. What causes … disease, you can get it again. So it's important to keep protecting yourself against tick bites. Learn more … disease, you can get it again. So it's important to keep protecting yourself against tick bites. Learn more …
Health topics
… 29, 2022 What is Diabetes? Diabetes is a condition in which your body is not able to regulate or control the levels of glucose (sugar) in your blood. This results in too much or too little sugar in … Making Medical Decisions as Your Health Changes Diabetes: Protecting Your Feet Diabetes: Staying Motivated Diabetes: …
Health topics
… having periods yet or you are getting close to menopause . Your birth control method failed. Maybe you forgot to take your pill or get your shot. Or maybe the condom broke or came off, or your