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6344 results found
Health topics
… affections, argumentative, and at times even hurtful. As your teen struggles with becoming independent, it is natural for them to detach from you at times. Remember that your teen still needs you. Although your teen may not ever … differently than you. For example, your teen may do homework with a headset on while lying on the floor of an …
Medical tests
… problems. A clinical breast examination may be part of your regular checkup. Talk with your health professional about how often you need a breast … such as mastitis or a fibroadenoma . How To Prepare Tell your health professional if you: Have a new lump or change …
Health topics
… Record On this page: Overview Overview Your doctor may ask you to keep a record of your child's temper tantrums before you bring your child in for a physical examination. It's a good idea …
Health topics
… ticks and deer that carry ticks are most commonly found in your community. Avoid those areas if possible. Cover as much of your body as possible when working or playing in grassy or … shirt, and long pants with the legs tucked into your socks. Keep in mind that it is easier to spot ticks on …
Health topics
… called dysphagia. It is usually a sign of a problem with your throat or esophagus —the muscular tube that moves food and liquids from the back of your mouth to your stomach. Although dysphagia can happen to anyone, it is …
Health topics
… that can happen if you stop taking or reduce the dosage of your antidepressant too quickly or if you miss doses. It can … diarrhea. You may also: Have trouble sleeping. Feel sick to your stomach. Feel dizzy or light-headed. Have a tingling, burning, or pricking sensation on your skin. Feel anxious. Feel irritable. Have a low mood. …
Health topics
… Overview Heart failure means that your heart muscle doesn't pump as much blood as your body needs. Because your heart can't pump well, your heart and your body try to …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview As your due date draws nearer, learn and practice controlled … for pain management during childbirth. Concentrating on your breathing can help distract you from pain, relax both your muscles and your mind, and keep your oxygen supply up. …
Health topics
… beating unevenly ( palpitations ). How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will do a physical examination. Your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms and past health. You may have an …
Health topics
… feel temperature, touch, pain, or sharpness on one side of your body. This may lead to injuries such as: Cuts and scratches. These can happen if your nails aren't kept short and smooth. For example, if you can't feel sensations in your feet, you won't know if your toenail is cutting into …