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6344 results found
Medical tests
… Feels Risks Results Test Overview When your doctor checks your pelvic organs, it's called a pelvic examination. This … samples of cells for cervical cancer screening. Before your examination, it's important to share some information …
Health topics
… you might be wondering how much breastfeeding is enough for your baby.  Here are some guidelines that can help. In the first three to four days after birth, your baby may lose some weight. This is normal, as long as your baby still has wet and soiled diapers. Learn the signs …
Health topics
… this page: Overview Overview Listen to your body to tell you when you're hungry or full. Hunger is a normal sensation that makes you want to eat. Your body tells your brain that your stomach is empty. This makes your
Medical tests
… Amniocentesis is a test to look at the fluid that surrounds your baby ( fetus ) in the uterus . Amniotic fluid has cells … other substances that can give clues about the health of your fetus. For this test, a needle is put gently through your belly into your uterus. About 30 mL (2 Tbsp) of fluid …
Medical tests
… cord and brain that you need to urinate. In response, your spinal cord sends a signal for the bladder to contract (voiding reflex). When you hold in your urine, your brain is overriding this reflex. When you allow the …
Health topics
… Gestational Diabetes: Giving Yourself Insulin Shots Actionset Overview If you have … gestational diabetes and you have not been able to keep your blood sugar levels within a target range , you may need … sugar. High blood sugar can lead to problems for you and your baby. Insulin is given as a shot into the fatty tissue …
Health topics
… Getting Started Here are ways you can take care of your own and your baby's health during pregnancy. See your doctor or midwife regularly. Visit your doctor or …
Health topics
… be times when you just don't feel like testing and tracking your blood sugar. There are ways to handle these tough feelings, though. Getting support and talking about your feelings can help. Your doctor or others in your health care team can help you …
Health topics
… the virus for many years. Being severely tired can affect your ability to work, take care of yourself, and enjoy your life. There can be many reasons why you are tired. It …
Health topics
… posture and good body mechanics can help prevent tension in your neck, shoulders, and upper back muscles. If your headaches seem to be related to tension in this area, … or back pain. Here are some things you can do. Keep your back in the neutral position. The key to good back …