6344 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… . It is not known how much alcohol it takes to cause harm. Your baby's brain and nervous system develop throughout your pregnancy. All types of alcohol, including beer, wine, hard liquor, coolers and ciders, can harm your baby. Binge drinking, that is, drinking more than 3 …
Health topics
… pain Managing pain is not easy. But it is essential to your quality of life. For example, pain can make you feel tired or depressed. It can also make it hard for your body to heal. Almost always, pain can be controlled … take more than one try to find the best medicines for you. Your hospice palliative care team also may recommend …
Health topics
… too much bleeding, which can be dangerous for both you and your baby. The placenta may separate too early from the wall … likely to have it if you: Have had a surgery that affected your uterus, such as a D&C or surgery to remove uterine … These include regular contractions and aches or pains in your lower back or belly. How is it diagnosed? Most cases of …
Medical tests
… if the tracer is evenly spread in the gland. This helps your doctor know if the thyroid gland is working properly. … who have had thyroid cancer surgery. How To Prepare Tell your doctor if you: Take any medicines regularly. Be sure your doctor knows the names and doses of all your medicines. …
Health topics
… with heavy alcohol use, any amount of alcohol may affect your developing baby. Heavy drinking (5 or more drinks on at … pregnant and have had alcohol? Try to talk openly with your doctor if you have had alcohol while you're pregnant. The earlier you tell your doctor, the better the chances are for your child. If …
Health topics
… Getting Started Having a plan can help you deal with your emotions without using food. It's about you and what … a food journal. This can help you find out what triggers your emotional eating. You write down when and what you eat. … difference between true hunger and hunger that's just in your head (psychological hunger). When you start feeling …
Health topics
… Overview Overview It's important for your child to have regularly scheduled checkups, often … lasting through the teen years. These appointments allow your doctor to keep a close eye on your child's general health and development. Finding …
Health topics
… get their first tooth at around six months. By the time your toddler is 36 months, they should have 20 teeth - 10 on the top and 10 on the bottom. Overview Your toddler's first teeth (called baby teeth) are important because they: Help your toddler stay healthy. Infections in the mouth and teeth …
Health topics
… During pregnancy, everything you eat, drink, or take into your body affects you and your growing baby. Using alcohol or drugs while you're … serious problems. It can cause problems for you during your pregnancy and when it is time for your baby to be born. …
Health topics
… ringworm of the scalp or beard? Ringworm is an infection on your skin, hair, or nails. It's caused by a fungus . The … spreads easily from one person to another. If anyone in your family has the symptoms listed above, see your doctor. How is ringworm of the scalp or beard …