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Health topics
… the first 6 months of breastfeeding. You can keep nursing your baby. In fact, breastfeeding usually helps to clear up infection, and nursing won't harm your baby. If you have mastitis, you may first notice a … up. If you know you'll go more than 4 hours without feeding your baby, arrange to pump. Drink plenty of fluids. If you …
Health topics
… the surgery. The doctor will make several small cuts in your belly. Then the doctor puts special tools and a camera … the doctor wraps a silicone band around the upper part of your stomach to make a small pouch. Then the incisions are … You'll be encouraged to start moving around to help your body heal. You may have an X-ray the day after surgery …
Health topics
… important to replace the fluids he or she is losing. Give your child small sips of water. Let your child drink as much as he or she wants. Ask your doctor if your child needs an oral rehydration solution …
Health topics
… Baby On this page: Overview Overview Your baby may have signs of a minor illness , such as cold … mild diarrhea. If so, it's best to keep breastfeeding. If your baby is too sick to breastfeed, try cup-feeding. With this technique, you feed your baby collected breast milk. Take your baby to a doctor …
Medical tests
… in the brain caused by too much CSF. How To Prepare Tell your doctor ALL the medicines and natural health products … you take. Some may increase the risk of problems during your test. Your doctor will tell you if you should stop taking any of …
Health topics
… Information Overview There are many ways to help your baby who is teething . You can help relieve discomfort by offering your baby safe objects to chew or suck on. Teething rings, … or teether because they can become too hard and may harm your baby's gums. Don't use fluid-filled teethers. Clean …
Health topics
… Having bradycardia (say "bray-dee-KAR-dee-uh") means that your heart beats very slowly. For most adults, a heart rate … 100 beats a minute while at rest is considered normal. If your heart beats less than 60 times a minute, it is slower … to exercise. Feel tired. Have chest pain or a feeling that your heart is pounding or fluttering (palpitations). Feel …
Health topics
… If you are trying to have a baby, learning more about your fertility and staying healthy can improve your chances. Healthy eating, keeping active and avoiding … when you are most likely to get pregnant. Tracking changes your body goes through helps identify when your body is …
Medical tests
… you make wise health decisions or take action to improve your health. Decision Points focus on key medical care … translucency test is done to find out the chance that your developing baby (fetus) may be at risk for having Down … training to do this test. Often you don't need to remove your clothes for the test, or you'll be given a gown to …
Health topics
… If you have heart failure , symptoms start to happen when your heart cannot pump enough blood to the rest of your body. Shortness of breath While shortness of breath is … other health problems such as emphysema or severe anemia. Your doctor can help you determine why you have been feeling …