4066 results found
Health topics
… Overview Do not try to remove a fish hook (seek medical care instead) if any of the following are true: The fish … . … Overview Do not try to remove a fish hook (seek medical care instead) if any of the following are true: The fish …
Health topics
… antacids include: Rolaids. Mylanta. Gaviscon. Tums. Be careful when you take over-the-counter antacid medicines. … antacids include: Rolaids. Mylanta. Gaviscon. Tums. Be careful when you take over-the-counter antacid medicines. …
Health topics
… other medical treatments. These programs teach you how to care for your back and how to prevent reinjury. If you have … other medical treatments. These programs teach you how to care for your back and how to prevent reinjury. If you have …
Health topics
… you start any new exercise routine, check with your health care provider to make sure you don’t have any medical or …
Health topics
… be cited or referenced. Review blogs and opinion sites with care. Even though they may help by showing you that you're … be cited or referenced. Review blogs and opinion sites with care. Even though they may help by showing you that you're …
Health topics
… on where and how long you plan to travel and the medical care available there. Here is a general list of items to … on where and how long you plan to travel and the medical care available there. Here is a general list of items to …
Health topics
… your henna tattoo; let it naturally wear off. Be very careful not to damage your skin-do not scrub or pick at your … your henna tattoo; let it naturally wear off. Be very careful not to damage your skin-do not scrub or pick at your …
Health topics
… coordinate the various professionals involved with your care. Cervical Cancer Pregnancy … coordinate the various professionals involved with your care. Cervical Cancer Pregnancy …
Health topics
Health topics
… have more of the virus in their blood than others do. Self-care Take the following steps if you have any exposure to … have more of the virus in their blood than others do. Self-care Take the following steps if you have any exposure to …