1126 results found
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… Chronic Illness: Help for Caregivers On this page: Overview Overview … adjust the way you think, ask, listen, and respond. These tips might help. Do your best to see things from your loved … it harder to breathe. Taking care of yourself when you're a caregiver Taking care of yourself is your most important …
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… health and balance in your own life. How can you be a good caregiver and take care of yourself? First, team up with … don't try to do it all. Learning the art of caregiving As a caregiver, you likely have run into some problems when … them with your loved one. Think about having more than one caregiver, or maybe a home health aide. Teaming up with the …
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… in your care by making the home safe. Here are some general tips for how to lower the chance of getting injured in the … in your care by making the home safe. Here are some general tips for how to lower the chance of getting injured in the …
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… Self-Care for AIDS Caregivers On this page: Overview … share your feelings with others, including other caregivers, counsellors, clergy, or health professionals. … share your feelings with others, including other caregivers, counsellors, clergy, or health professionals. …
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