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HealthLinkBC files
… any fruits and vegetables with cold running water before eating them raw, even if they will be peeled or cut. Use a …
Health topics
… you are doing other regularly occurring activities, like eating a meal or getting ready for bed. This will make it … you are doing other regularly occurring activities, like eating a meal or getting ready for bed. This will make it …
Health topics
… sugar levels. Keep blood sugar levels in a target range by eating a healthful diet, frequently monitoring your blood … who have high blood pressure. It is not clear whether treating high blood pressure can directly affect long-term … sugar levels. Keep blood sugar levels in a target range by eating a healthful diet, frequently monitoring your blood …
Health topics
… are more than the risks of not having it, at least for someone like me. Carmen, age 53 I need a stable knee to do … are more than the risks of not having it, at least for someone like me." — Carmen, age 53 "I need a stable knee to … are more than the risks of not having it, at least for someone like me. Carmen, age 53 I need a stable knee to do …
… as chest/jaw/left arm pain, shortness of breath, unusual sweating) severe dizziness fainting slow/fast/irregular … including pacritinib, among others. Overdose If someone has overdosed and has serious symptoms such as … including pacritinib, among others. Overdose If someone has overdosed and has serious symptoms such as …
… chest/jaw/left arm pain, shortness of breath, unusual sweating, confusion, weakness on one side of the body, trouble … Ask your doctor or pharmacist for more details. Overdose If someone has overdosed and has serious symptoms such as … Ask your doctor or pharmacist for more details. Overdose If someone has overdosed and has serious symptoms such as …
Health topics
… a person or object. It is often spread from the hands of someone who has a staph infection. In the hospital, staph … a person or object. It is often spread from the hands of someone who has a staph infection. In the hospital, staph …
Health topics
… be very serious. What causes it? It's often not clear why someone gets appendicitis. In some cases, a small object … be very serious. What causes it? It's often not clear why someone gets appendicitis. In some cases, a small object …
Health topics
… opportunity to get up and walk around. "I'd walk over to someone's desk instead of emailing or phoning them. Once in … opportunity to get up and walk around. "I'd walk over to someone's desk instead of emailing or phoning them. Once in …
Health topics
… of active surveillance is that you may be able to avoid treating a cancer that may never be a problem. You also can … care of myself. So now I'm at the gym 4 times a week, eating a healthier diet, and making sure I get good sleep. … of active surveillance is that you may be able to avoid treating a cancer that may never be a problem. You also can …