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6019 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… To find out if you have gonorrhea, you need to see a health care provider and have lab tests done. How is it spread? … It is important to follow your treatment instructions carefully. If you were given pills finish all of them. … problems later. If this happens, talk with your health care provider who will help you to decide if you or your …
Healthy eating
… you have questions about alcohol use, talk with your health care provider. If you smoke, talk to your health care provider for advice on quitting smoking. Smoking can … decrease side effects of antibiotics. Speak to your health care provider about recommendations for probiotics. …
HealthLinkBC files
… in your mouth. The bacteria can also spread through close personal contact. For example, kissing or sharing drinking … very severe pain at the site of a wound. Always take good care of minor cuts to reduce the chance of the tissues under …
Health topics
… child is wearing a lifejacket you still need to watch her carefully. When buying a child sized lifejacket, check the … to turn a person face up with their mouth out of the water. Personal Floatation Devices (PFDs) do not always have that …
Health topics
… be recommended in severe or long-lasting cases. How can you care for yourself? Eye care If you can't blink or close your eye fully, your eye … and wear glasses or goggles the rest of the time. Mouth care If you have no feeling and little saliva on one side of …
Health topics
… if you use hot water for your baths or showers. How do you care for dry skin? The following home treatment suggestions … nails are a problem, use lotion on your nails as well. Take care of your nails, keeping your fingernails and toenails … making sure your hands and feet don't get too dry. Take care of rashes or fungal infections, like athlete's foot. If …
HealthLinkBC files
… to blood or body fluids and your test results. The health care provider may also try to determine whether the person’s … B and C. In case of possible exposure to HIV, the health care provider may start you on a course of antiviral … hours of exposure. You will be referred to your own health care provider if you need to continue taking these …
Health topics
… scientists, food processors). Chemicals used in the health care industry to sterilize equipment (health care workers). Latex. What are the symptoms? People who have … scientists, food processors). Chemicals used in the health care industry to sterilize equipment (health care workers). …
Health topics
… Talk with your partner or support person and your healthcare providers about your wishes to have your baby with you … Rooming in In most hospitals, mothers and babies are cared for together in the same room by the same nurse each … baby adjust to the world. Your baby will cry less in your care. At home When you go home, keeping your baby close can …
HealthLinkBC files
… be spread from sharing things like towels, bedding or other personal items with someone who is colonized or has an SA … covered, cleaning your hands regularly, and not sharing personal items such as towels, washcloths, razors, clothing, … also be at higher risk if you have had intensive hospital care or surgery, particularly in hospitals where previous …