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Health topics
Medical tests
Health topics
… of the neck, face, jaw, head, or scalp played a role in causing these headaches. Now they think a change in brain … find out the type and the cause of the headaches without using other tests. In some cases, imaging and other tests … headaches will go away with rest or sleep. Watching TV, using the computer, talking on the phone and sending text …
Medical tests
… caused a hole in the stomach wall. Gallstones that are causing pancreatitis. Diabetic ketoacidosis . A ruptured … caused a hole in the stomach wall. Gallstones that are causing pancreatitis. Diabetic ketoacidosis . A ruptured …
Medical tests
Medical tests
… within 15 minutes of collecting the sample. If you are using a midstream kit, urinate a small amount first and then … within 15 minutes of collecting the sample. If you are using a midstream kit, urinate a small amount first and then …
Health topics
… much they affect your life. Tests may include a urine test (urinalysis) and a digital rectal examination . The … sometimes used to help relieve BPH symptoms. If you stop using medicine, symptoms usually come back. Medicines … sometimes used to help relieve BPH symptoms. If you stop using medicine, symptoms usually come back. Medicines …
Health topics
… for your child, give them as directed. Do not stop using them just because your child feels better. Your child … constipation may also help prevent UTIs. Learn more Using Antibiotics Wisely Medicines Antibiotic medicine that … and Older Urinary Tract Infections in Teenagers and Adults Using Antibiotics Wisely Vesicoureteral Reflux (VUR) …