6219 results found
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… amounts of opioids than you ever meant to. Or you've been using them for a longer time than you ever meant to. You … wish you could cut down. You spend a lot of time getting or using opioids or recovering from the effects. You have … do your main jobs at work, at school, or at home. You keep using, even though doing so hurts your relationships. You …
Health topics
… some obvious signs that a person may be drinking alcohol, using tobacco, or using other substances. This is not a complete list. If you … fatigue, and changes in eating and sleeping patterns, if using regularly Drug paraphernalia (such as pipes) in the …
Health topics
… One of the signs of substance use disorder is that you keep using alcohol and other drugs even though you know it's causing problems in your life. Another sign is that you have a strong need or craving to drink or use drugs. Using alcohol and other drugs can affect your health, work, …
Health topics
… Overview Signs that a person is using substances such as drugs or alcohol include behaviour … meet them. These signs don't always mean that a person is using substances. The behaviour could be due to work or … we develop our content . … Overview Signs that a person is using substances such as drugs or alcohol include behaviour …
Health topics
… medication (e.g., T3s after dental surgery). Others may try using other people’s prescription opioids. And a very few …
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… system stimulation is followed by depression and fatigue, causing the person to want another cigarette. Nicotine is one … tries to quit. Smoking affects a person's appearance by causing bad breath, yellow teeth and fingernails, and … system stimulation is followed by depression and fatigue, causing the person to want another cigarette. Nicotine is one …
HealthLinkBC files
HealthLinkBC files
… Document Spanish Document Vietnamese Eighty per cent of caregiving for older adults is provided by families, usually … substance misuse. It may be hard for them to safely offer caregiving. What is financial abuse of older adults? A … and support services as they grow older. Work together Good caregiving means having the time, right personality and …
Health topics
… Worried About Using Opioids? On this page: Overview … amounts of opioids than you ever meant to. Or you've been using them for a longer time than you ever meant to. You … wish you could cut down. You spend a lot of time getting or using opioids or recovering from the effects. You have …
Health topics
… Using Cold and Heat Therapies On this page: Overview … doctor about which therapy they recommend. Be careful when using cold and heat therapies Avoid using cold and heat therapies: On broken skin. While you are …