6414 results found
Health topics
… become an organ donor, you won't be denied life-saving care when you need it. Provincial laws and emergency medical … Many provinces give you the option to become a donor when you apply for a driver's licence or when you renew your licence. Other provinces have a form you …
HealthLinkBC files
… tears, vomit or urine may contain and pass on these viruses when blood is present in the fluid, but the risk is low. … 1-888-711-3030. How can I safely clean a spill or a wound? When cleaning spills, wear clean, disposable gloves and … for at least 10 minutes before wiping it up. Wear gloves when handling any body fluids or cleaning cuts, scrapes or …
… after insertion. The health care professional will tell you when you can get up and walk around. This medication should … the insert if there are side effects, after 12 hours, or when it is no longer needed. The drug's effects wear off … During pregnancy, this medication should be used only when clearly needed. Discuss the risks and benefits with …
Health topics
… is a feeling that you or your surroundings are moving when there is no actual movement. The motion commonly is … but you are able to keep fluids down. Severe vertigo occurs when the feeling of movement is continuous even when lying down. Nausea and vomiting are so severe that you …
Health topics
… always use a car seat, and watch your child closely when he or she interacts with pets. Practice healthy habits. … of keeping your child safe. Most injuries to children occur when parents or caregivers are tired, hungry, or emotionally … (2020). Keep your young child safe around the house. Caring for Kids. …
Health topics
… may have good intentions but still feel uncomfortable when they find out you have a mental health problem. This … you and your family differently. This is called stigma—when others judge you because you have a personal quality, … of stigma, others may look down on you. Stigma occurs when others: Don't understand the mental health problem or …
… needs. Warning Rarely, serious medical problems can occur when this medication is used to end a pregnancy, including … Aspirin can increase the risk of bleeding when used with this medication. However, if your doctor has … unless instructed to do so. Properly discard this product when it is expired or no longer needed. Consult your …
Health topics
… may be moist and noisy. Breathing changes commonly occur when you are weak, and normal secretions in your airways and … be harder to wake up. You may enter a stage called a coma, when you do not wake up or respond at all. When you are in a coma, all physical needs (such as bathing, …
Health topics
… Understanding hormonal changes can help you find out when you are most likely to get pregnant. Tracking changes your body goes through helps identify when your body is releasing eggs, or ovulating. This will … become pregnant or to try to avoid pregnancy. Learn about when you may want to get help from health care providers …
Health topics
… this breathing exercise, you can also do it to feel better when you are short of breath. Lie on your back, or prop … Put one hand on your belly and the other on your chest. When you breathe in, push your belly out as far as possible. … belly move out, while the hand on your chest does not move. When you breathe out, you should feel the hand on your belly …