6414 results found
Health topics
… gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers are similar, except for when pain occurs. Pain from a gastric ulcer often occurs when food is still in the stomach, shortly after eating. Pain from a duodenal ulcer often occurs when the stomach is empty, several hours after eating, and …
Health topics
… and Rehab Becoming More Active: Where to Start Being Active When You Have Health Problems Bob's Story: Biking for Health … Exercising Safely Energy and Sports Drinks Enjoying Life When You Have Heart Failure Exercise and Fibromyalgia … for Temporomandibular Disorders Planning to Be More Active When You Have Chronic Disease Plantar Fasciitis: Resuming …
Health topics
… Some people are happier, less stressed, and sleep better when they're active. Consider adding creative pursuits. You … bathing, or listening to music before bed. Accept help. When you're struggling, sharing your thoughts and feelings … early in order to process them. It's okay to feel down when things are hard. These are just a few ways to build …
Healthy eating
Health topics
… coming events. For example, they may pull up their knees when placed on a changing table. Or they may smile with gleeful anticipation when put in a front pack for an outing. At around 4 months, … recall the memory of an object or a person, like a parent, when that person or object isn't there. This cognitive skill …
Medical tests
… by the adrenal glands . Aldosterone levels tell the kidneys when to hold sodium in the body instead of passing it in the … Small amounts of sodium are also lost through the skin when you sweat. Most foods have sodium naturally in them or … electrolyte imbalances. Urine sodium levels are often high when blood levels are low. The urine sodium level is often …
Health topics
… to eat or buy expensive convenience foods during the week when the ingredients for dinner are already in your kitchen. … you forgot they were there. And you can use the list when you're planning next week's meals. Watch grocery store … 2 or 3. Learn how much food costs. That way you can tell when an advertised sale is really a good deal. Use coupons. …
Health topics
… get out of bed. How do you use an incentive spirometer? When you use an incentive spirometer, you'll breathe in air … how much air you breathed in. You may feel light-headed when you breathe in deeply for this exercise. If you feel … high up as you can or to the level your doctor recommended. When you can't breathe in anymore, hold your breath for 2 to …
Health topics
… specific to your needs. Consider the following when shopping for footwear: Try on shoes at the end of the day, when your feet are at their largest due to normal swelling. … risk of falling, ask your doctor what else to think about when you choose a shoe. When shopping for the right fit, …
Health topics
… stool. __ A squatting bar. __ A birthing tub or pool. When the time comes to push, I'd like to: __ Be coached on when to push and for how long. __ Push when I feel I need to (instinctively). I'd prefer to use the …